People with disabilities often face a myriad of challenges when realising their right to health; Markaya Henderson from the European Disability Forum tells us why more must be done to promote disability-inclusive healthcare.
Ross Linnett, Founder and CEO of Recite Me, explains how public sector bodies can write a top web accessibility statement to comply with the looming deadline imposed by the UK’s new web accessibility laws.
Dr Nancy Doyle C. Psychol. AFBPsS, psychologist, founder and CEO of Genius Within, states that it is imperative that people take into consideration the neuro-differences of their colleagues when working towards an inclusive and supportive culture.
Clare Vale, Managing Director of Sign Solutions, discusses how COVID-19 has highlighted the need for better access to health services for the Deaf community.
Dr Andrew Larner, Chief Executive at not-for-profit government consultancy iESE, explains how local authorities can meet their duty under The Care Act to show they have assessed an individual’s needs whilst protecting care market viability and value for money.
Wellbeing experts at CABA have created a guide to help people spot the signs of autism and highlight what support is on offer to raise awareness on World Autism Day.
In recognition of World Autism Awareness Day, Paul Modley, Director of Talent Acquisition and Diversity & Inclusion at Alexander Mann Solutions, highlights the importance of autistic employees in a time of skills shortages.
Richard Kramer, Chief Executive of national disability charity Sense, argues that life’s better when we’re all connected when it comes to hearing loss.
Dr Alison Cernich, Deputy Director of the NICHD, and Dr Theresa Cruz, Acting Director, National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research at NICHD, describe technology that helps children with disabilities.