People with disabilities often face a myriad of challenges when realising their right to health; Markaya Henderson from the European Disability Forum tells us why more must be done to promote disability-inclusive healthcare.
Emily Coward, Head of Development at Microserve, discusses what the EU Web Accessibility Directive is and what public sector organisations need to know.
Dr Tejas Patel, a world-renowned interventional cardiologist and endovascular therapist, highlights cardiovascular disease, a leading cause of disability and premature death around the world.
Everyone eligible for an NHS wheelchair and people who require aftercare services under section 117 of the Mental Health Act will have access to personal health budgets.
Here, Paul Tomlinson, Managing Director at IEG4, discusses the new digital Blue Badge service and the challenges that it poses to councils, especially following the addition of hidden disabilities into the scheme.
Andree Woodcock, a Professor from Coventry University, tells us what we need to know about the H2020 TInnGO (Transport Innovation Gender Observatory) project that concerns the role of women in transport and the need to reduce inequalities in smart mobility.
People with hidden disabilities, including anxiety disorders or a brain injury, can apply for a Blue Badge for the first time from today (30 August 2019).
Helen Brady, Business Support Assistant at First Ark Group, discusses how her experience working for a supportive employer in a flexible workplace, whilst managing an impairment, helped with her job success.
A new report was launched in Parliament this month setting out the case for a deal for the learning disability sector, focusing on realising the potential of technology to boost investment and transform the way care is delivered.
Work has begun to transform a former court building in Halifax into apartments for adults with learning disabilities, supported by £270,000 of funding from Homes England.