
Safeguarding diversity: Meta refuses to keep DEI protection in place

Following the 2024 US election and Donald Trump's ushering in as the new president, DEI has been attacked in all areas of government. Executive orders have been signed, undoing the efforts made over many years to create an inclusive and diverse workplace that mirrors American society. But what do these changes mean?

Racism’s impact on International Politics can no longer be ignored

Sarah Coolican, Project Coordinator, explains how the new Racism and International Politics programme at LSE IDEAS hopes to facilitate urgent, ongoing conversations of global racial disparity.

New data examines the racial disparities in STEM education

The University of Illinois found that disparities in STEM could be linked to student experiences of racial microaggressions, making it difficult to continue a STEM education.

Can the right technology end health inequalities?

Technology is becoming more pervasive, becoming increasingly integrated into our lives as the days pass - can it help to end health inequalities?

Are women gradually moving up the managerial chain?

The boardroom is historically a male playground - but are women now moving up the managerial chain?

Workplace bias is still experienced by 86%, but how can we stop it?

360 Resourcing conducted a survey on workplace bias and found that it is still experienced by 86% of employees. Here they explore what society is missing when it comes to creating an unbiased working environment.

Lesbian and bisexual women more likely to have substance addictions

Sexual minorities, especially women, are more likely to have substance addictions due to discrimination, stress and childhood trauma.

New data examines presence of LGBTQ people in STEM

While US researchers are rightfully examining ethnicity and gender in their fields, the data for LGBTQ people in STEM fields has been notoriously lacking, until now

European Commission reveals first LGBTQ equality strategy

The Commission announced the adoption of their first official LGBTQ equality strategy - how will this be felt in Member States which oppose LGBTQ rights?

NIH: Black and Asian people twice as likely to catch COVID-19

US and UK researchers examined ethnicity data in both countries, finding that Black and Asian people were twice as likely as white people to be infected by the virus - but why?

Strategic academic recruitment research: Increasing diversity

Here, HR Director at the University of Eastern Finland, Dr Jouni Kekäle follows on from their previous piece in Open Access Government by discussing how to increase diversity with the help of proactive recruitment.

Diversity, inclusion and flexible working is the new normal

Tushar Agarwal, Co-founder and CEO of HubbleHQ, discusses how flexible working has neutralised decades of work limitations that are often tangled up with race and socioeconomic status.

Prioritising diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Meena Chander, founder of This Is Us Conference, discusses Gen Z attitudes towards diversity in the workplace and why it will be integral for businesses moving forwards.

Black Students Matter: Can British schools learn anti-racism? 

Halima Jibril, History student and Founding Editor of Ashamed Magazine, discusses Black children in the British school system and calls for education outside of traditional schooling.

Female led countries’ show “significantly better” COVID-19 survival

COVID-19 survival strategies have been analysed by the University of Liverpool, who found that women-led countries' were much safer.

Championing BAME health tech innovators is key in the fight against COVID-19

Adam Bradford, CEO of AdamStart, highlights the importance of young BAME health tech innovators in the battle against COVID-19.

Male bias in drug development trials creates overmedication

New research shows that the gender gap in drug development trials results in an overmedication of women by healthcare professionals.


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