Following the 2024 US election and Donald Trump's ushering in as the new president, DEI has been attacked in all areas of government. Executive orders have been signed, undoing the efforts made over many years to create an inclusive and diverse workplace that mirrors American society. But what do these changes mean?
New research confirms that Black women continue to face natural hair discrimination, making Black women with straightened hair more likely to get hired.
Toby Mildon explains how talking about race can be difficult but overwhelmingly necessary in the era of #BlackLivesMatter and ongoing police brutality.
The American Psychological Association (APA) published research showing that prospective teachers are more likely to see Black children as angry than white.
Member firms of Ius Laboris, advise on actions employers in the UK, Germany, Denmark, Greece, France, Italy and Spain should take against racism in the workplace.
The role of research and innovation in Europe, including the challenge COVID-19 brings to the sector, the principles of Open Access, increased cross-border collaboration plus gender and diversity, are discussed here.
Dr Nancy Doyle C. Psychol. AFBPsS, psychologist, founder and CEO of Genius Within, states that it is imperative that people take into consideration the neuro-differences of their colleagues when working towards an inclusive and supportive culture.
Let’s discuss the UN Women report, “Women’s Rights in Review 25 years after Beijing,” which documents how gender equality is functioning on International Women's Day.
According to a report by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the current lack of UK STEM skilled workers is costing the nation's economy £1.5 billion annually.
In this article, Kristin Dilani Nadarajah describes the human rights movement happening to stop the mistreatment of indigenous prisoners by the Mexican government.