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Drug Development

iDOMO: New AI tool predicts synergistic drug combinations

Researchers at Mount Sinai have developed iDOMO, a powerful AI tool that predicts synergistic drug combinations for complex diseases like cancer.

Tackling antimicrobial resistance: A digital approach

Reflecting on the recent World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW 2022), it’s evident that we must continue to raise better awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance, which is one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.

New drug ‘Lecanemab’ slows the effects of Alzheimer’s disease

After decades of failure for Alzheimer’s researchers, Lecanemab could open the door to a new ear of drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease – the world's most common form of dementia.

Legalization of recreational cannabis linked with increased alcohol consumption

States that oversaw the legalization of recreational cannabis linked to increased alcohol consumption that is largely driven by young adults and men.

COVID-19, communicable disease and immunology

Academic Research Scholar, Prof Wendy M. Purcell, provides an update on COVID-19, communicable disease and immunology.

Ayahuasca dangers: mental and physical adverse effects

A survey looking at ayahuasca dangers finds 70% experience physical and 55% mental health adverse effects – but only 2.3% of physical adverse events require medical attention.

Hepatitis C virus elimination: A potential global success story

Dr Zisis Kozlakidis and Dr Dewi Nur Aisyah examine Hepatitis C virus elimination and weigh up if this has the potential to become a global success story.

Germany becomes one of the first European countries to legalise cannabis

Germany has made plans to legalise cannabis, which could create up to 27,000 new jobs and save around about 4.7 billion euros.

Do you really need to be taking paracetamol?

Paracetamol is Britain’s most trusted painkiller with the average person taking up to 70 paracetamol per year, however there are safety issues.

A blueprint for the UK Cannabis Industry

Senior Associate David Hardstaff and Partner John Binns of BCL Solicitors LLP, share their views on a blueprint for the UK Cannabis Industry.

Diabetes education to protect tomorrow

Prof Andrew Boulton, President, International Diabetes Federation, calls for more to be done to improve access to diabetes education.

Tuberculosis drug regimens and their efficacies

Andrew Nunn, Professor of Epidemiology in the Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, analyses different tuberculosis drug development regimens.

What’s the connection between menopause and weight gain?

The relation between menopause, BMI, hormones and weight gain is a complex one that many going through menopause don't really understand here menopause expert Dr Deborah Lee explains.

Benefits of animal vaccination for animals & people

Roxane Feller, Secretary General of AnimalhealthEurope, helps us understand the benefits of animal vaccination for both animals and people.

What are the mental and physical health benefits of essential oils?

Essential oils have been used for centuries for their medicinal properties. However, scientists have only now started studying and exploring the potential benefits of essential oils.

Type 1 diabetes treatment finds new target

A new route to the regeneration of insulin in the pancreatic stem cells indicates a major breakthrough for Types 1 and 2 Diabetes therapies.

Acoustic Cluster Therapy – A novel ultrasound-mediated drug delivery platform for therapeutic enhancement across multiple diseases

Optimising a drug’s ability to reach diseased body parts in adequate levels while avoiding healthy body parts – its tissue exposure and selectivity – is critical to therapeutic optimisation.


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