A report by the Alliance for Affordable Internet (AFA) finds that just one in ten people in parts of the Global South have meaningful internet connectivity - with a gender gap existing across all countries.
This year, the government set out their vision for ‘levelling up’ the UK. Guy Battle, CEO, Social Value Portal, provides a response to the white paper and some words of wisdom for anyone looking to reduce inequality in their community.
The National Institute of Standards & Technology works to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards and technology to enhance economic security and improve quality of life.
Millions of lives around the world could be improved by tackling global tax abuse – including greater access to basic sanitation and more children in schools.
Inflation, tax, energy, gas, food, and travel costs are all expected to rise in 2022 – hitting lower income households the hardest across, with UK inflation at 7%.
Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians Management, reflects on how the pandemic has affected working patterns along with the impact of working from home on the property sector.
While higher minimum wage has been connected to improved quality of life, US data finds that fewer people tend to default on their rent payments - making landlords raise rent prices.
Becoming second worldwide in women’s representation rankings, the UK has climbed up the FTSE 100 index - from only 12.5% of women on boards, to just under 40%.
Periods of political conflict and peace in Colombia have been shown to lessen and increase deforestation, due to fluctuations in agricultural practices.
Research highlights that fighting poverty would not change existing climate goals, as richer countries are substantially more responsible for carbon emissions.
The depletion of sand in coastal regions has become a threat to ecosystems everywhere, as sand has become a scarce resource – but it could also solve coastal erosion.