In the ever-evolving landscape of technological advancement, industry-academia collaboration emerges as a formidable catalyst for innovation breakthroughs.
Professor Martin Jones, Deputy Vice Chancellor at Staffordshire University, explains why a job rotation scheme could be the next step in 'levelling-up' the economy.
Mark Burchell, Emeritus Professor of Space Science, Centre for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, discusses the skills needed for the space sector and how HE is essential in contributing to this.
Justin Silver, PhD, AI Strategist at PROS, discusses how UK businesses can leverage artificial intelligence to mitigate the effects of potential inflation risks.
Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, illustrates how education, research and innovation are essential for transformations that can lead us to a sustainable economy.
Vihan Sharma, Managing Director Europe, LiveRamp, explores why the lockdown pushed Britain’s high street to a tipping point and why we’ll be better for it.
Alongside discussions on vaccine equality, the G7 summit raised the potential of new environment goals - but the countries largely stuck to established climate change policies, by confirming their ongoing commitment.
Sharon Davies, CEO of Young Enterprise, discusses how unleashing the untapped potential of female entrepreneurship in Generation Z is vital to the UK’s economic recovery.
James Lovegrove, Public Policy Director at Red Hat, explains how public sector IT embraced open source software - going from largely passive users, to active contributors.
Mike Elliff, CEO of Tyl by Natwest, dives into the findings compiled by the company that reveals how on average, 50,000 start-up businesses were created every month in 2020.
Salvatore Nigro, CEO of JA Europe and Andzelika Rusteikienė CEO of JA Lithuania, discuss why the NextGeneration EU recovery plan must close the gaps in education that the COVID-19 crisis has exposed.
BTEC Quality Nominee, careers co-ordinator and music teacher, Emma Gaukroger from Greenwood Academy discusses how technology can help students with careers guidance.
Tech experts give their thoughts on how small businesses can utilise the goodwill felt towards them during lockdown and provide a personalised customer experience as we move further away from lockdowns.