
New tool can track the environmental impact of our consumption habits

As a wider population, we use products from places all around the globe daily, but we don't often see or consider the environmental costs behind them.

How to improve biological control agents for soil and pest management

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, explains the need for an integrated approach to improve adoption of biological control agents for soil and pest management.

Regional recovery of manta ray habitats through tourism limitations

Komodo National Park has one of the world’s largest manta ray habitats – and researchers think this may be due to stricter tourism regulations allowing them to flourish.

New ichthyosaur fossil said to be largest animal ever found

Researchers have found the largest ever ichthyosaur tooth, with its width being twice as large as any aquatic reptile known

Large bees are in decline due to climate change

Large bees will decline in population size, as smaller bees are more resistant to climate change due to better heat tolerance.

Creating sustainable sand: A solution to mineral waste?

Researchers have found that a step-change in mineral processing may drastically reduce mineral waste, while creating a source of sustainable sand.

Changes to river systems sparks species evolution in the Amazon

Changing dynamics of small river systems in the Amazon allows for the evolution of new species – but can also threaten existing species like birds.

Understanding Flaviviruses: Deciphering insect-borne virus strategies

Understanding the infection strategy of mosquito-borne viruses known as flaviviruses is key in the future development of treatments and possible vaccines

Climate change increases the speed of ocean sound transmission

Ocean sound transmission is being sped up due to global warming induced by climate change – threatening marine species as sounds travel faster and become louder.

ASTRAL (2020-2024): A collaborative ecosystem for Atlantic aquaculture

Here, we discover that All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, ProfiTable and Resilient AquacuLture (ASTRAL) involves a collaborative ecosystem for Atlantic aquaculture

Cultivating a resilient environment with ground-breaking science

Professor Susan Waldron, Director of Research and Skills at the Natural Environment Research Council emphasises the importance of research and innovation in adapting to climate change.

One-third of regenerated forests in Brazil are destroyed again

Reforestation efforts are not ideal for natural regeneration – as one-third of forests are cut down again, after just 4 to 8 years of regeneration.

‘Wave reserves’ in surfing promote coastal ecosystem protection

‘Wave reserves’ used in surfing often promote the conservation of valuable coastal areas and the ecosystems that live around them.

Tropical peatland restoration will not harm palm oil farmers

Restoring tropical peatlands - which support bird diversity - would not affect the livelihoods of palm oil farmers.

The value of nature

Recognising the complex, closely intertwined relationships between humans and nature can lead to better, more cost-effective decisions, outlines Susan Canney, Director of the Mali Elephant Project.

Real-time soil health management for sustained agriculture practices

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, turns the spotlight onto continuous and real-time soil health management, which are critical for sustained agriculture practices.

Biology: Helping nature fight back against mass extinction

Nigel Whittle FRSB – Head of Medical & Healthcare at Plextek, describes the importance of helping nature fight back against mass extinction


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