Tracking the movements of large wild animals, researchers developed the software ‘enerscape’, protecting species and helping humans avoid animal contact.
Researchers have found that coral reefs are more resilient ecosystems than previously thought, remaining rich sources of macronutrients for the fishing industry even after coral bleaching.
Panama and other governments of tropical countries set out to understand how to inhibit deforestation and deliver reforestation tactics following the COP26 conference.
Kouji Takeda*, Masataka Jitsuno* and Yumie Akaishi** examine the utilisation of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in integrated inquiry activities, starting with current status in Japan.
On reef restoration projects in Indonesia reviving marine ecosystems, scientists found ‘fish songs’, indicating the ecosystems were coming back to life.
Researchers have found that human activity has the largest impact on plant communities, as seen with climate change, or the introduction of an invasive species.
Susan Canney, Director of the Mali Elephant Project, WILD Foundation & International Conservation Fund Canada, in the third part of a fascinating discussion about human-elephant coexistence, consider elephants, wildlife and how they help with climate change.
An international study demonstrates the importance of local ecological knowledge for conservation in the Amazon, proving to be more accurate than 10 years of conventional scientific studies.
Could medical approaches of stem cell-based therapy, be a tool for corals’ resilience to heat stress? Benyamin Rosental, Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel answers the compelling question here.
Global warming continues to bleach the coral reef, destroying marine ecosystems - but scientists believe the future of coral restoration lies in 3D printing.
The destruction of the Amazon rainforest influences how much carbon is released - now, scientists reveal that damaged, not-yet-destroyed areas are releasing carbon faster than the rainforest can store it.