The UK has allocated £1 million in funding to 16 ed-tech companies to develop AI tools that hopefully reduce the time teachers spend on marking and providing personalised student feedback.
Scientists from the University of Konstanz and Thurgau University of Teacher Education investigate the importance of social pretend play for children’s social-emotional development, suggesting educational strategies to support children’s play.
Dr Nicolas Tabareau from IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, provides us with further insight about interactive proof assistants, within the wider field of computer science, software and mathematics.
A new study of 8 to 11 year olds shows an association between heavy screen time and poorer reading performance, as well as between heavy computer use and poorer numeracy.
Maximilian Buja, MD, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, focuses on disruptive change in medical education, including its impact on faculty.
Simon Barnes from TLC LIVE explores why the latest U-Turn on GCSE & A Level exam results could result in children outside of mainstream education falling even further behind as they did not receive predicted grades and will have to sit exams in autumn.
In this article, Fulcare explores the ways in which schools and other academic institutes can function with safe processes in place and work towards a low touch economy.
Colin Hegarty, founder of HegartyMaths and Education and Schools Director at Sparx, explores why schools should focus on edtech tools that encourage active engagement and personalisation as they prepare for further months of blended learning.
Amanda Crowfoot, Secretary-General of the European University Association, examines what the future holds for universities in Europe beyond the COVID-19 crisis.
Halima Jibril, History student and Founding Editor of Ashamed Magazine, discusses Black children in the British school system and calls for education outside of traditional schooling.
Simon Barnes, CEO & Founder of TLC LIVE, shares his advice on how to ensure online learning remains engaging and accessible to a wide range of students.
Graham Glass, CEO of Cypher Learning, discusses how harnessing the power of adaptive learning to personalise learning experiences can support schools and students.
Jessica Riccio, Solutions Marketing Manager, Fortinet, explores the security solutions that can be put in place to protect remote learning environments.
According to a new study, world population will peak in 2064 at around 9.7 billion and then decline to 8.8 billion by 2100 – around 2 billion lower than previous estimates.
Exam results released in Scotland create waves of anger after a mass downgrading of teacher-assessed grades, likely to be similar for England in late August.