
UK invests £1M in AI to revolutionise teaching

The UK has allocated £1 million in funding to 16 ed-tech companies to develop AI tools that hopefully reduce the time teachers spend on marking and providing personalised student feedback.

How to ask your employer for extra training and education

Members of the Newcastle College adult learning department gave their advice on what to consider when asking your employer for extra training and education.

Dyslexia is front and centre on international stage

The world’s first ever Global Dyslexia Summit takes place in London today, bringing together high profile dyslexics including Sir Richard Branson, Kelly Hoppen MBE,...

How technology is benefitting the education sector

Technology really is everywhere. But, unlike the views of the past, it isn’t here to destroy us all. Quite the contrary, technology is being used every single day to support and benefits all sort of sectors, and the education sector is no different

Promoting excellence in U.S. STEM education

The important mission of the National Science Foundation when it comes to fostering excellence in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education for all students in the U.S. is placed under the spotlight by Open Access Government

Why governments must do more to help people with diabetes and their families

Professor Nam H. Cho, President of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) explains why governments across the world could and should do more to help people with diabetes and their families.

Mental Health Europe explores Europe’s ability to face challenges in mental health

Claudia Marinetti, Director from Mental Health Europe gauges if Europe can meet the emerging challenges around mental health.

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians to launch new national resource centre

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians is launching a new training facility for aspiring opticians, the ABDO National Resource Centre, to gain qualifications and pursue a career in optics 

New ‘happiness’ service launched to combat school mental health crisis

A new wellbeing subscription service is launched this week which aims to tackle the biggest issue facing education today – school mental health

UK schools urged to do more to engage children in science lessons

87% of parents feel children would be more engaged with science lessons if teaching used the most advanced technology

The prospects for education, research and innovation in Germany

Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister of Education and Research in Germany heads up the policy areas of education, research and innovation. This analysis details the work of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Speech, language and communication: Forgotten skills?

Mary Hartshorne asks if speech, language and communication are forgotten skills and gives a compelling response to this intriguing thought

Official figures show a decrease in UK Neets

There has been a welcome drop in the number of young people in the UK who are not in education, employment or training, known as Neets

Balanced curriculum needed to encourage school leavers into STEM undergraduate courses

IET is today calling for a more balanced curriculum across the nation’s schools to ensure young people have a rounded knowledge and the skills needed to pursue further education and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)

New research reveals UK adults don’t remember majority of their education

A nationwide study of UK adults has revealed the extent to which modern Brits have forgotten many of important things they were taught at school, with one in twenty admitting they remember very little of what was explained to them in the classroom

Exam results provide crucial chance for schools to recognise role of technology

D2L comments on the need for schools to recognise the role of technology and how they can improve year on year as GCSE results day approaches 

University degree vs apprenticeship schemes: which comes out on top?

With this rise of student debt, employment and skills specialist Seetec is finding that more and more are now choosing to take on an apprenticeships to get their dream job.


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