The Evolve programme has already involved over 100 students from 11 schools in West Cumbria, including home-educated learners, offering them a unique opportunity to develop essential skills for their future careers.
Dr Leanna Brinkley, Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement, Cardiff University International Study Centre, Study Group, details a critical approach to the past – contextualizing historical events through the historiography.
Dr Paula Christie, Research and Enhancement at College Development Network, highlights the importance of implementing trauma-informed practice to help students as they enter the learning environment.
Solutionpath’s Rachel Maxwell considers the importance of knowing your strategic priorities when deploying student engagement analytics within a university.
Open Access Government unpacks the work of the John Templeton Foundation, in supporting research across the sciences as well as in the areas of theology and philosophy.
Digital exams are now overtaking traditional paper exams in the International Baccalaureate, with the potential to move to virtual reality assessments also.
Open Access Government provides an update on the policies of Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.
Following on from a recent Institute of Economic Development event, Professor Andy Westwood unpicks the challenges facing universities around Levelling Up and addressing inequalities.