
Education: Enhancing children’s health and well-being

Open Access Government delves into some of the priorities of UNESCO, including children’s health, well-being and education.

How language and communication barriers affect UK government organisations

Joe Miller, Pocketalk General Manager of the Americas and Europe, explores how language and communication barriers affect UK government organisations & the solutions available.

Education, science & research for Germany’s future

Promoting the policy areas of education, science and research are crucial for Germany’s future prosperity according to the BMBF.

How to prevent future cyber incidents in local schools

Despite local schools going online following the pandemic, the cybersecurity threat prevails - here's how to prevent future cyber incidents.

Language can be a barrier for girls in education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Girls in education are at a higher chance of success at school in Sub-Saharan Africa if they can already speak ­­English – as taught language can affect academic accomplishment.

Addressing barriers to inclusive higher education in China

James Pitman, Managing Director UK and Europe, Study Group, addresses the barriers to inclusive higher education (HE) in China.

Female incarceration rates decrease with gender equality in education

Research finds that with greater gender equality in education there is a lower prison admission rate for females – but not males.

The failed promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the right to education

Anantha Duraiappah, Director at UNESCO, MGIEP, details failed promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the right to education.

How does obesity threaten the US military’s mission readiness?

The obesity epidemic has a grave impact on the US military’s mission readiness, by limiting the number of available recruits and decreasing re-enlistment candidacy.

What key changes could improve higher education institutions?

Three key changes to expect in higher education institutions include engaging hands-on courses, technological advances and upskilling.

Does student loan repayment have negative health consequences?

Student loan repayment can heighten cardiovascular illness risk for middle-aged adults in the US, as mental health worsens with greater debt.

Closing the literacy gap via catch-up programmes in education

Andrea Welter, assistant head teacher from Pheasey Park Primary School, explains why successful catch-up programmes in education need to focus on closing the literacy gap.

UK graduates to be hit with 12% student loan interest rate

According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, graduates and students will be expected to pay up to 12% interest on their loans as of autumn 2022

Only 25% of global senior-level positions held by women in economics

Women are noticeably underrepresented in many academic professions, with a distinct lack of women in economics – particularly in universities.

Diversity in medicine sees more women, but lacks minority groups in U.S

Diversity in medicine across the U.S is not equal with population changes – while women see gains in representation, minority groups continue to go underrepresented.

Private school education does not lead to better mental health

A national survey finds that state school pupils are just as happy with their lives as counterparts who received private school education.

Study: Boosting childhood literacy skills through Naptime

According to new research, early literacy skills in children aged between four and five can be boosted by daytime naps


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