Following the 2024 US election and Donald Trump's ushering in as the new president, DEI has been attacked in all areas of government. Executive orders have been signed, undoing the efforts made over many years to create an inclusive and diverse workplace that mirrors American society. But what do these changes mean?
The last two years created psychological strain, with the pandemic sparking feelings of uncertainty about both professional and personal futures - creating issues for employee mental health.
Gender parity in the public sector remains an essential endeavour: with diversity and inclusion at the forefront of modern politics, we still beg the question, where are all the women?
Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians Management, reflects on how the pandemic has affected working patterns along with the impact of working from home on the property sector.
While higher minimum wage has been connected to improved quality of life, US data finds that fewer people tend to default on their rent payments - making landlords raise rent prices.
The average wages for healthcare workers rose less than wages in other industries during 2020 and the first six months of 2021 across the US – despite the pandemic causing healthcare burnout.
An increase in “deaths of despair” – suicide and overdose – across the US has been linked to robot manufacturing which is gradually replacing people in their jobs.