
Civil society engagement to ensure affordable energy

Civil society’s participation in keeping energy affordable for all Europeans is essential, the European Economic and Social Committee states.

Europe is making district heating smart

Steen Schelle Jensen, Head of Product Management – Solutions, Kamstrup A/S, explains how Europe is making district heating smart.

Green gas keeps climate change at bay

Bjarne Bogner, CEO of EC Power, discusses how green gas is the answer to fighting climate change, and which role wind and solar power play.

Liquefied natural gas (LNG): What is it and how can it be used?

Here, Nicola Bannister, Marketing Director of Flogas, explains the hype around LNG, detailing exactly what it is and how it can be used.

Is solar still a good investment?

Here, renewables developer, Anesco looks at the case for investing in solar without government subsidies and why battery storage could hold the key to maximising the benefits.

Completing the European energy market must be a top priority for the future

Tommaso Di Fazio, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, explains why completing the European energy market must be a top priority for the future of Europe.

A battery for all seasons: Proven technology is key to a low carbon future

Dr Alistair Davidson, Director, Consortium for Battery Innovation (CBI), argues that batteries are a proven technology and as such, they are key to a low carbon future.

EU 2019 Autumn: A challenging economic road ahead

The European economy is now in its 7th consecutive year of growth and should continue expanding in 2020 and 2021, so what's on the economic road ahead?

Five small steps for a more sustainable 2020

Here, we cut through the confusion to discuss how you can realistically change your life to live a more sustainable 2020.

Composite materials for the wind energy industry

Here, Dag Kirschke, Wind Energy Segment Owner for composite manufacturer Exel Composites, explains the demand for wind energy and why composite materials are the answer to producing powerful and efficient turbines .

The energy sector and cyber security: The other capacity gap

Anjos Nijk, Director at European Network for Cybersecurity (ENCS), discusses the skills gap within the cybersecurity industry, delving into the energy sector specifically.

A priority for Europe: Energy Union and climate change

Energy Union and climate as a priority of the European Commission are placed under the spotlight here by Open Access Government.

The exciting future of digital development in Sweden

The exciting future of digital development in Sweden is explored here, with a focus on the potential of artificial intelligence.

Marine energy test facilities accelerating commercial deployment: Importance of test facilities

Sarina Motmans from the West Flanders Development Agency POM, along with MET-CERTIFIED partners from Ghent University, the European Marine Energy Centre and the Dutch Marine Energy Centre underline the importance of marine energy test facilities when it comes to accelerating commercial deployment.

Finland: Research on subatomic physics

Here, Professor Katri Huitu discusses the Helsinki Institute of Physics’ role in Finnish research of subatomic physics.

The need for a robust infrastructure & strong ambitions for hydrogen in Norway

Norway has set out a clear ambition to reduce the emissions from the transport, maritime and industry sectors. This requires multiple solutions where hydrogen plays a vital role. There is a strong focus to reduce emissions within the maritime sector and hydrogen is seen as a vital part of the solution.

Demand Response 101: How to get paid to cut power use for utilities

Rodrigo López, Energy Management Deputy Director, Feníe Energía, provides a detailed article about Demand Response, highlighting how you can save money on utility bills during periods of reduced energy use.


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