
UK-Ireland summit focuses on national security, economic growth, and energy collaboration

With the first annual UK-Ireland Summit tomorrow, national security, economic growth, and energy security are expected to be the main discussion topic of discussion between UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Irish Taoiseach Micheál Martin.

Germany risks €220 billion with full ban on Russian gas supplies

The Joint Economic Forecast finds that €220 billion of German economic output would be at risk over 2022 and 2023, if the country cuts ties with Russian gas supplies.

What is the FuelEU Maritime Regulation?

Constantine Catsambis, Rapporteur for the EESC opinion on FuelEU Maritime, explains how the FuelEU Maritime Regulation could improve the climate.

Sustainability in the food retail sector: Ready, steady, GO!

Francesco Mastrapasqua, Institutional Affairs Manager at EPTA SPA, underlines what we need to know about sustainability in the food retail sector.

Energy efficiency must be prioritised first in heating

Carsten Østergård Pedersen, Rune Kaagaard Sørensen and Asbjørn Bjerregaard Ebbesen from Grundfos Holding A/S argue that energy efficiency should be prioritised first in heating

Artificial intelligence to predict the future in the energy sector

It is increasingly important to be able to predict the conditions affecting the generation, distribution and consumption of energy. VTT EnergyTeller is lending a hand

How do we enable energy transition in buildings?

Pavol Bodis, Technical Coordinator at TNO, says that getting energy independent buildings is an EU priority for electricity infrastructures

It’s expensive to be poor: UK inflation to reach 7% in 2022

Inflation, tax, energy, gas, food, and travel costs are all expected to rise in 2022 – hitting lower income households the hardest across, with UK inflation at 7%.

COP26: Putting meaning into E, S and G

Fathia Murphy, ESG Product Specialist, NAVEX Global, discusses the importance of understanding what E, S and G means so businesses can recognise their responsibility and be prepared to tackle ESG related issues, as well as how to put effective initiatives in place.

Lowest-income populations face 40% more exposure to heat waves

Rising global temperatures are creating imminent heat waves, which are set to impact poorer populations more substantially than wealthier ones.

Transition to carbon neutrality cannot happen without nuclear and coal

Marcin Nowacki, Member of the EESC, Employers’ Group (Group I), charts the energy transition to carbon neutrality that cannot happen without nuclear & coal.

Scientists can restore lifespan of a dead lithium battery

Researchers have found a way to revitalise rechargeable lithium batteries, potentially improving the capacity of next generation batteries.

Researchers develop stable sodium battery technology

Funded by the U.S National Science Foundation scientists have developed a more environmentally and socially conscious substance for batteries.

The role of simulation in civil engineering

Professors Fabio Nobile and Riccardo Rossi discuss why computer simulations are nowadays routinely used in many domains of physics and engineering.

Coastal seas & their role towards Net-Zero 2050

Experts from GERICS explain what we need to know about coastal seas and their role towards the Net-Zero 2050 target. First, we learn how...

Local & regional governments: Driving the renewable energy transition

Rohit Sen & Kanak Gokarn from ICLEI, argue that local and regional governments can play a powerful role in driving the renewable energy transition

Solar: Vital to Asia’s renewable energy success

Filippo Carzaniga, Executive Chairman at FIMER, argues that solar will play a vital role in Asia’s renewable energy success


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