Daniel Carbonell, TRI-HP Project Coordinator, explains solar ice-slurry systems and supercoolers, and reports on the latest innovations in natural refrigerant heat pumps for multi-family residential buildings.
Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University and Global Aqua Survey Ltd, walks us through his high-resolution seabed geophysical survey research around offshore areas in Taiwan.
Dr Benjamin King Sutton Woods, Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Structures at the University of Bristol, tells us all about Shape Adaptive Blades for Rotorcraft Efficiency (SABRE), a Horizon 2020 funded collaborative research program.
M. Danner and R.M Winglee from Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, discuss the microscopic analysis of samples from penetrator impact craters.
Chief Scientist at Dynamic Object Language Labs Inc, Dr Paul Robertson explains how autonomous AI systems are key to achieving synergy between humans and robotics that can work together as a team.
Robert B Stone and Jordan M Berg, of the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation Division at the U.S. National Science Foundation, chart precisely how engineering research improves people’s lives.
Stephen Skinner, Professor of Materials Chemistry at Imperial College London, explores the possible routes available to produce clean hydrogen and ensure a low carbon future.
The United Kingdom is about to leave the EU – but there are opportunities to rebuild a strong partnership around a more circular economy, states Professor Raimund Bleischwitz, Director of UCL Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources.
Dr Lorraine Dodd of Bioss International discusses understanding the limitations of AI agents in terms of their potential for choice-making, and explains how the study of choose-ables could enhance them.
While US researchers are rightfully examining ethnicity and gender in their fields, the data for LGBTQ people in STEM fields has been notoriously lacking, until now