
The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: Finding a sustainable future

Maria Nikolopoulou, a EESC member, argues that the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is Europe’s best bet for a sustainable future.

Filling in the gaps of Lake Geneva’s carbon cycle research

Marie-Elodie Perga, Associate Professor of the Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics at the University of Lausanne, discusses SNSF funded Project CARBOGEN, which studies Lake Geneva’s carbon cycle.

How can short sea shipping emissions be reduced?

Nikolaos P. Ventikos from the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and Angeliki Stouraiti from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) explore the environmental footprint of short sea shipping and how the EU can reduce emissions.

Cultivating a resilient environment with ground-breaking science

Professor Susan Waldron, Director of Research and Skills at the Natural Environment Research Council emphasises the importance of research and innovation in adapting to climate change.

The road to net-zero requires heat pump technology

Russell Dean, Head of Residential Heating and Ventilation at Mitsubishi Electric, charts the road to net-zero that requires heat pump technology.

One-third of regenerated forests in Brazil are destroyed again

Reforestation efforts are not ideal for natural regeneration – as one-third of forests are cut down again, after just 4 to 8 years of regeneration.

‘Wave reserves’ in surfing promote coastal ecosystem protection

‘Wave reserves’ used in surfing often promote the conservation of valuable coastal areas and the ecosystems that live around them.

Croplands relocation could cut global carbon emissions by 71%

Croplands relocation could restore habitats and lessen carbon emissions, if major food crops were moved to minimise environmental impact.

Invasive insects threaten 1.4 million trees in US

Researchers from McGill University have estimated that over the next 30 years, 1.4 million street trees will be killed by invasive insects.

Scientists say human activity responsible for climate fragility

In a study of over 2,000 streams around North America, researchers reveal the escalating impact human activity has on flooding - creating climate fragility.

The Triassic World: An analogue of the 6th mass extinction?

The REEFCADE long-term research project, created and driven by Professor Rossana Martini, started in 2007 and has since been supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Chasing climate-ready glutinous rice for food security in Thailand and Laos

Professor Apichart Vanavichit, Director of the Rice Science Center offers insight into how the next generation of glutinous rice varieties are critical to food security in Thailand and Laos.

Five climate activists you need to know about 

We acknowledge five female climate activists, who are challenging gender norms and creating substantial change in global politics.

How can innovation help turn climate emergency declarations into real actions?

Dr Xander Wang is leading the Climate Smart Lab to innovate smart technologies supporting climate change adaptation at regional and local scales

Agricultural and Environmental Science Careers for Non-Traditional Students

Dr. Elica Moss and Dr. Sanju Sanjaya discuss agricultural and environmental science careers for students at Alabama A&M University.

Organismal contributions to changing climate

Zachary Senwo, PhD Professor, explores how organismal contributions can be used in the search for climate change solutions

Earths coldest forest biome is heating up

Northern Arizona University researchers have drawn attention to rising temperatures that are causing Earths coldest forest to shift northward.


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