
The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: Finding a sustainable future

Maria Nikolopoulou, a EESC member, argues that the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is Europe’s best bet for a sustainable future.

Earths coldest forest biome is heating up

Northern Arizona University researchers have drawn attention to rising temperatures that are causing Earths coldest forest to shift northward.

COP26: Putting meaning into E, S and G

Fathia Murphy, ESG Product Specialist, NAVEX Global, discusses the importance of understanding what E, S and G means so businesses can recognise their responsibility and be prepared to tackle ESG related issues, as well as how to put effective initiatives in place.

Increased pressure on forests after peace agreements in Colombia

Periods of political conflict and peace in Colombia have been shown to lessen and increase deforestation, due to fluctuations in agricultural practices.

AI to calculate hydropower development across Amazon river

Researchers employ artificial intelligence for sustainable hydropower development across the Amazon River basin – working across eight countries in South America.

The fight against poverty would not solve carbon emissions

Research highlights that fighting poverty would not change existing climate goals, as richer countries are substantially more responsible for carbon emissions.

Damaged seagrasses can emit methane, even after death

Scientists find that seagrasses continue to produce methane even decades after the plants die – highlighting the potential for more methane emissions if seagrasses are threatened.

Team unveils history of Antarctic ice in relation to climate change

A National Science Foundation funded-study by the University of South Florida documents the evolution of Antarctic ice sheets, 20 million years ago.

Sand is vital for the protection of coastal regions

The depletion of sand in coastal regions has become a threat to ecosystems everywhere, as sand has become a scarce resource – but it could also solve coastal erosion.

Advancing a competitive bioeconomy for a sustainable future

Philippe Mengal, Executive Director at CBE JU ‐ Circular Bio‐based Europe Joint Undertaking, charts the priorities for advancing a competitive bioeconomy in Europe for a sustainable future.

Researchers create six step guide to improve global water quality

The University of Waterloo have created six steps to improve water quality, address nitrogen pollution and examine nitrogen legacies.

20% of African heritage sites threatened by climate change

The African coast ­– along with its numerous heritage sites – are at risk of being damaged and lost to extreme sea levels and erosion.

Bridging the gap between public understanding and realities of living alongside elephants

Dr Becky Shu-Chen, Conservationist and Project Coordinator for China at the Zoological Society of London, explores the possibilities of positive human-wildlife coexistence, and how technology can be used to protect elephants.

Subtropics of East Asia grow colder due to warmer Arctic winters 

Arctic winters are getting steadily warmer due to climate change, resulting in temperature changes in the subtropics of East Asia

Do environmental extremes affect voting patterns?

According to IIASA research, personal experiences of extreme weather have a lot to do with political voting patterns

Only 15% of coastal areas are still intact, globally 

Only 15% of coastal areas around the world remain intact, according to research findings that highlight the need for rehabilitation and conservation.

TED Gen: The Combined heat and power revolution

Here, TED Generation (TED Gen) explains how to improve the economic and environmental future of your business – using Combined heat and power (CHP) to decrease energy costs and rewrite carbon footprints.


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