Researchers have found a method to ascertain how pollutants and other chemicals we are exposed to affect our body and health, by discovering whether a substance has biological effects in an organism.
Over a quarter of a million trees are to be planted across England in an urban greening project towards natural regeneration awarded as part of National Tree Week.
As seabirds’ food security is threatened by human activity, new research in Ireland has found that birds with tracking devices have been follow fishing vessels for food.
A recent sudy in the Nature Communications Journal has shown the influential way urban trees continue to affect the surface temperature of European cities.
An analysis considers the impacts of large-scale agriculture and industries on the human right to drinking water, advocating for the access to safe water for all.
A study indicates the greater necessity for biodiversity conservation, analysing 33 barriers to reaching biodiversity targets and how nations are to better manage island ecosystems.
TECH4EFFECT Co-ordinator and Head of Research of Forest and Forest Resources from the NIBIO, Rasmus Astrup explains how timber extraction needs to be improved for greater environmental and production efficiency in the European forest sector.
The European Commission has adopted three new proposals to stop deforestation, manage sustainable waste, making soils healthy for the environment, and promoting a circular economy.
Dyl Kurpil, Managing Director, District Enforcement asks, are the general public aware of what is actually classed as litter and the Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) litterers can be subject to?.
The European Union is to invest around €1.1 billion to numerous innovative projects under the Innovation Fund, as an endeavour towards reaching net zero emissions.
As COP26 reaches its completion in Glasgow this year, the UK pledges for more urgent action and investment protecting land, nature, and oceans on their respective summit days. Here’s the breakdown.
New research finds that climate change affecting the Amazon rainforest has also developed issues with its bird species, adjusting the body and wing length of resident birds.