Frank Wolak, President and CEO of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association - argues that when it comes to a stronger economy and a cleaner environment
Niall Gibson, building performance expert at IES, discusses how technology such as the Virtual Environment and Digital Twins can help local authorities achieve net-zero targets by 2030.
George Adams, Director of Energy and Engineering, SPIE UK, provides insight into how the UK might be able to decarbonise the economy in line with COP26 goals.
A UN report finds that richer countries will reduce emissions by 12% in 2030, but they need to make a cut of 45% by that time or global warming will rise to 2.7°.
A Cambridge study finds that Europeans are on board with climate change policies, but find it difficult to accept personal changes - such as a petrol car ban or eating less meat.
Guy Schanschieff MBE, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Bambino Mio, discusses why introducing a nappy tax on disposable nappies is not the best way to tackle climate issues.
Achieving a net-zero 15-minute city seems overly ambitious, especially in highly industrialised cities like London, but, David Watkins, founder and COO at DASH Rides, believes that solutions like integrating e-mobility could be the answer.