
New report reveals mixed progress on the EU’s environmental goals

As the European Union's efforts to meet its 2030 climate, environmental, and sustainability goals progress, some key areas remain behind.

Is 2021 when net zero targets become a central focus for world leaders?

More than 120 governments have announced their commitments to achieve net zero targets by the middle of this century, so will this become a central focus in 2021?

Why Nitrogen cycling is a keystone indicator in sustaining soil health

Zachary Senwo, Fulbright Scholar & Professor of Soil Microbial Biochemistry, Environmental Science & Toxicology at Alabama A&M University, explores nitrogen cycling in sustaining soil health and agricultural systems.

Decarbonisation of heat in the public sector

Chris Jackson, CEO and Founder of Protium Green Solutions Ltd, explores how the public sector can decarbonise the demand of heat.

A zero-waste approach in the meat processing industry

BETA Technological Center explains its experience on the valorisation of organic wastes from the meat processing industry to obtain biostimulants.

The growth of district heating cooperatives in the Netherlands

Here, we discover that EBO Consult will contribute to the expansion of district heating cooperatives in the Netherlands.

A “complexity” approach to human-elephant coexistence

What does it take for humans and elephants to live together? This was the question that has guided nearly 18 years of research and local engagement in the Gourma region of central Mali.

Planning with climate change: Combining climate mitigation and adaptation decisions

AXIS Research Programme Coordinator Rolf von Kuhlmann explains why connecting scientific disciplines with society is crucial for climate change policy.

Environment: A natural remedy for mental ill-health

Jennifer Oroilidis from Mental Health Europe probes why the environment is a natural remedy for mental ill-health.

The European Climate Pact

Dimitris Dimitriadis, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Section for the Single Market, Production and Consumption, describes the European Climate Pact.

Using all renewable energy sources for innovative solutions

Here, we learn how Grundfos Holding A/S can effectively integrate renewable energy sources in district heating by integrating heat pumps in a decentralised way.

SEA-TITAN Superconducting Power Take-Off

Luis García-Tabarés from CIEMAT, as Technical Manager in the H2020-funded SEA-TITAN, tells us what we need to know about the first of a kind superconducting direct drive power take off.

Oceans: Delousing farmed salmon and trout

Here, we find out about delousing farmed salmon and trout, including the importance of fish welfare in this special oceans focus.

Nano-engineered crystals offer an alternative to metallic particles in fuels

The use of nano-engineered crystals instead of metallic particles in fuels could could open the door to the next generation of transportation fuels.

‘More Masks Than Jellyfish’: The devastating impact of PPE on marine life

ESCP Business School, highlight the devastating impact of personal protective equipment (PPE) on marine life during a 'More Masks Than Jellyfish' online conference.

Environment & human health: Pesticide risks

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, discusses alternative solutions to address pesticide risks for the environment and human health. Her article starts with the concern around pesticides use.

Intensive fish farming: A call to reform the industry

Sophie Peutrill, Global Campaign Manager – Fish Welfare at Compassion in World Farming, argues that intensive fish farming is unsustainable and unethical and we must do more to reform this growing industry.


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