Andrivon Didier, Research Director at INRAE, France’s new National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, discusses the need for sustainable late blight control despite the threat of new evolving invaders.
The WILD Foundation’s President, Vance Martin and Vice President of Policy and Communications, Amy Lewis, highlight the important and often forgotten role of storytelling and community organising to encourage conservation.
Michael Slimak Ph.D., retired National Program Director for the Sustainable & Healthy Communities Research Program at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), explores the most pressing challenges today that reflect the need to understand interdependencies between the natural and social sciences.
Here, we learn about LIFE GySTRA and NEMO projects, which aim to create innovative solutions based on remote sensing to reduce emissions and noise from transport.
Professor Georgiy Stenchikov, Chair of Earth Sciences and Engineering Program at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), explains how MENA accounts for more than half of global dust emissions, and the immense strain on the environment dust can cause.
The Lancet report is out today (11 February), which suggests that former President Trump's policymaking created an excess of "461,100 deaths" - before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States.
Bumble bees and honey bees both depend on the same flower species in UK summers, which means that plant diversity is crucial to the survival of both species.
James Sopwith, Group Strategic Account Director at adi Group, discusses the manufacturing industry’s focus on sustainability and details the advantages of Combined Heat and Power (CHP).
The UK government estimates that tidal power could meet around 20% of our electricity demands, an amount which could change the dynamics of energy in this country.
Eunomia is calling on the UK government to consider a What Works Centre for the environment to share evidence on what works best when it comes to environmental policymaking – Consultant Alexa Cancio and Head of Evaluation Joe Hudson explains why.
Professor Dirk Schoenmaker discusses how the world of finance is just beginning to acknowledge to the idea of sustainability - here, he explores what the future could bring.
Using statistics from Statista, Loadhog analysed data on global plastic production from 1950 to 2018 alongside global population figures and new laws to show exactly where we are in terms of our use of plastic.