
New report reveals mixed progress on the EU’s environmental goals

As the European Union's efforts to meet its 2030 climate, environmental, and sustainability goals progress, some key areas remain behind.

Sustainable agroecosystems: Facilitating transition to a healthier environment, and healthier and more resilient agricultural communities

Sustainable agroecosystems: Facilitating transition to a healthier environment, and a healthier and more resilient agricultural communities.

EU’s improving wastewater treatment helps to reduce pollution

The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) has shown an overall improvement in collection and treatment of wastewater in Europe's cities and towns.

Is a plastic-eating enzyme the solution to our plastic problem?

The scientists who re-engineered the plastic-eating enzyme, PETase, have now created an enzyme partnership which can digest plastic up to six times faster.

Can nature help to improve your mental health?

Here, we discuss Lea Wermelin, Danish Minister for the Environment’s current priorities, such as encouraging those with mental health issues to make the most of Denmark’s green spaces and increasing natures accessibility.

NanoStreeM: Final outcomes and perspectives – nanomaterials and risk

Here, Dr Dimiter Prodanov from IMEC explains the final outcomes and perspectives of the NanoStreeM project, including comments on nanomaterials and risk.

China pledges zero-carbon emissions by 2060

Recently, China’s President Xi Jinping announced a shocking pledge for the country to achieve zero-carbon emissions by 2060.

What is being done to reduce supply chain emissions?   

Increased demand for renewables increases carbon exhaustive mining, so how can supply chain emissions be reduced?

The Green Deal: Using the COVID-19 crisis as an innovation opportunity

The European Green Deal Call has opened for registrations to spur Europe’s recovery from the COVID-19 crisis by turning green challenges into innovation opportunities.

Solid Oxide cells: Powering a net zero carbon economy

Here, Professor Stephen Skinner, Imperial College London, discusses the potential of solid oxide cells to meet our future energy needs with reduced carbon emissions.

How the bio-based industry is key to the EU’s green recovery

According to a new report, strong European bio-based industries will allow the EU to accelerate the green economic recovery and the transition towards climate neutrality.

The problem isn’t climate science, it’s how politicians act on climate science

We look at the problems that occur when climate science is translated into policy, and investigate how these problems still happen.

The RSIF-PASET Programme: Food security and agribusiness at SACIDS Foundation

Here, Professor Gerald Misinzo and Professor Mark Rweyemamu discuss the potential of the RSIF-PASET Programme.

The Race to Zero – Triggering a Green Recovery

The race to net-zero carbon and a green recovery is on, and here, Prof. Dr. Raimund Bleischwitz explains how this will require systems thinking.

Sustainable agriculture in Japan

Open Access Government explores how Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is working towards sustainably reducing the environmental impact of agriculture and livestock.

“Space 2.0” and the problem of orbital debris

Dr David Carroll from CU Aerospace LLC says that there are advantages to nano-satellites and the Space 2.0 environment, but they exacerbate the problem of orbital debris.

What is causing the raging wildfires in Oregon, California and Washington?

The climate crisis has caused wildfires to rage across Oregon, California and Washington causing tens of thousands to flee their homes and has resulted in over 30 deaths.


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