
New report reveals mixed progress on the EU’s environmental goals

As the European Union's efforts to meet its 2030 climate, environmental, and sustainability goals progress, some key areas remain behind.

Carbon offsetting is vital to a cleaner, greener future

Carbon offsetting is the solution for those who want to compensate for the emissions which they produce. Here, Mark Whittaker, General Manager for Consumer Sales at Flogas, examines how it can help us to lead a cleaner, greener future.

What are intelligent or smart buildings?

Paul Wells from IM&M explains that there are a complex array of products and solutions today when it comes to intelligent or smart buildings.

Predictions for a new post-coronavirus world

Nicolas Béfort, NEOMA Business School professor and member of the Chair of Industrial Bioeconomy, predicts three scenarios for a new post-coronavirus world.

Advances in recycling and replacing plastics

Laura Clews, UK & European Patent Attorney at Intellectual Property Firm, Mathys & Squire,  highlights recent innovations in recycling and replacing plastics.

Environment focus: Sweden’s take on the climate emergency

The work of Minister for the Environment and Climate, and Deputy Prime Minister in Sweden, Isabella Lövin, is charted here when it comes to the climate emergency.

The Commission’s work on the European Green Deal

Here, we delve into the European Commission’s work on the European Green Deal and its first European Climate Law to enshrine the 2050 climate-neutrality target into EU law.

EU crackdown: Novel food regulation of CBD

Here, European Union (EU) Novel Food regulations are thoroughly explored and questioned in the context of CBD in food.

RESISTANT PROJECT: How can nanotechnology reduce environmental impacts of aircrafts?

Nuria Rodríguez López talks us through the climate necessity of the ReSiSTant project, which is a Horizon 2020 EU NMBP-Pilot Project, to reduce the environmental impacts of aircrafts.

Planning District Heating (DH): Energy consumption in buildings

Here, Erik Christiansen walks us through how to successfully implement a District Heating plan and engage with citizens.

The changing arctic ice caps: Insights from ice cores

Martin Sharp Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, provides more compelling commentary on the changing arctic ice caps, focussing on the insights to be gained from ice cores.

100 climate neutral smart cities

In this article, Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General of EUROCITIES, explains her thoughts on 100 climate neutral smart cities in more detail.

Cadent: Using hydrogen for a net zero future

The owner of the UK’s biggest gas distribution network, with 80,000 miles of pipes, explains how gas has a role in the net zero future.

Websites hold the key to green government

While public sector organisations are exploring ways to meet their sustainability commitments, there’s often one obvious area that is overlooked: Varnish Software’s Lars Larsson explains why websites hold the key to green government.

Improving air quality around schools

Mathew Hassell, founder and CEO of Kura, discusses how the school run can be changed to improve the air quality around schools and protect children’s health, following the reduction in pollution amid the UK lockdown.

HYDROUSA: Water loops with regenerative business models for the Mediterranean

Here, Simos Malamis explains the HYDROUSA project, which seeks to innovate wastewater treatment and create regenerative business models in the Mediterranean region.

The European Green Deal: Biodiversity can’t wait

President of the Study Group on The sustainable economy we need at EESC, Josep Puxeu Rocamora, argues that when it comes to the European Green Deal, biodiversity cannot wait.


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