A 10 week Call for Evidence has been launched by the UK Government today (Friday, 10 May) to gather knowledge on safeguarding biodiversity in the UK Overseas Territories.
European Committee of the Regions President calls on EU to step up efforts in response to "profoundly alarming" UN report: The EU must prioritise biodiversity.
As the arctic ice caps are melting causing the risk of rising sea levels, Professor Martin Sharp of the University of Alberta discusses the speed of change.
An international team of researchers found that the largest Antarctic ice shelf is melting 10 times faster than the overall ice shelf average due to solar heating of the surrounding ocean surface.
With up 90% of food wasted and lost before the product even reaches supermarket shelves Robin Travis, Managing Director at Renby Ltd explores how to improve the efficiency of handling food and erasing double handling.
The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has unveiled a framework for the UK construction and property industry to transition new and existing buildings to become net zero carbon by 2050.
Today, a Labour-led debate is being held by UK Parliament to discuss the possibility of declaring a “climate emergency” in the wake of Extinction Rebellion protests.
As London’s new Ultra Low Emissions Zones (ULEZ) came into effect this month, a new animation highlights the effects that air pollution has on the public's respiratory health.
From joggers picking up bottles as they go, to global sporting bodies pledging to tackle plastic head on, athletes, enthusiasts and sporting amateurs are collaborating to fight for cleaner oceans.