
The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: Finding a sustainable future

Maria Nikolopoulou, a EESC member, argues that the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is Europe’s best bet for a sustainable future.

Majority of UK companies don’t have a recycling policy, report reveals

A new report has quizzed over 700 companies on their recycling habits and found that 90% of UK businesses do not have a recycling policy in place.

Port of Blyth complete Northumberland £600,000 flood scheme

The Environment Agency and Port of Blyth have worked together to build a £600,000 flood wall to protect homes and businesses in Blyth.

Global efforts to fight hunger and feed the planet in a sustainable way

Commissioner Phil Hogan shares his remarks on World Food Day 2018 at the Civil Dialogue Group Discussion - Global Food Security, Sustainable Development and Relations with Africa on 16th October 2018, where he charts global efforts to fight hunger and feed the planet in a sustainable way

Isle of Wight festival promotes Biosphere Reserve bid

The Isle of Wight's Area of Outstanding Natrual Beauty (AONB) has bidded to become England's third UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

Future strategy will protect EU citizens and the Environment from Endocrine disruptors

Today the European Commission has adopted a Communication, confirming its commitment to protecting citizens and the environment from hazardous chemicals

Data expert discusses interconnected smart cities and cities of the future

Russell Poole, Managing Director, at global interconnection and data centre company Equinix shares his vision for cities of the future.

Why energy-from-waste plants are less harmful than firework displays

Indaver share their insight into the development of energy-from-waste (EfW) over the years and outline the many ways by which developers work to ensure that their plants do not pose a risk to human health

The dirty diesel disgrace: tackle air pollution now

EPHA, EUROCITIES and T&E urge the European Commission and national governments to make tackling air pollution from dirty diesel vehicles a political priority for Europe     

India needs to rethink its renewable energy policy to reach 2020 target

According to Global Data, if India does not make any changes to its renewable energy policy, it will not reach the ambitious target of installation of 175 gigawatt (GW) of renewable energy capacity by 2022

How waste management plants benefit our economy

Indaver specialise in turning waste into energy using state-of-the-art plants. Here they outline the many benefits this process has to our economy, both locally and nationally

Smart cities. Is it wise to get smarter?

Keiron Shepherd, Senior Security Specialist at F5 Networks, discusses how the threat landscape will change as smart cities become more of a reality and the security considerations we need to make before we begin reaping the benefits of connected devices

How do we dispose Iodine-129 long-term?

A global issue, Professor Peter Santschi discusses the high-risk radioisotope Iodine-129 and issues relating to its safe disposal

The environment: Clean water is life, health, food, leisure and energy

Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA) argues that clean water is life itself, but also our health, food, leisure and energy

Horizon Prize awarded to innovative air filter to improve city air quality

A ceramic honeycomb air filter developed by a research team from Corning SAS, France, has won the EU Horizon Prize on Materials for Clean Air

Fighting Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in our water: Where to begin?

Mikael Khan, Director of Technology at Arvia Technology lifts the lid on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in our water supplies

Financing the low carbon economy: Heat networks

Meeting the UK’s legally binding climate change targets will require complete or near-complete decarbonisation of heat. This article will explain how heat networks could help to make this possible 


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