
The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: Finding a sustainable future

Maria Nikolopoulou, a EESC member, argues that the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is Europe’s best bet for a sustainable future.

Financing the low carbon economy: Heat networks

Meeting the UK’s legally binding climate change targets will require complete or near-complete decarbonisation of heat. This article will explain how heat networks could help to make this possible 

Brits demand more protection for nation’s heritage sites

Passionate Brits want more measures put in place to protect the nation’s heritage sites, according to new research

How the environment is impacting the catering industry

As the world wakes up to the impact we're having on the environment, consumers are demanding businesses take action. From a much-publicised move against plastic straws to utilising compostable waste, going green means big changes to the way the catering industry operates

Government launches plan to ban plastic straws, drink stirrers and cotton buds

The Government has set out its plan to ban the distribution and sale of plastic straws, drinks stirrers and cotton buds

5 ways to help your business go green

Waste management experts at Indaver know how daunting it can be for businesses to implement a green policy and recycle, so they have shared 5 ways to help your business go green

Call for new innovations to tackle climate change

Britain's best innovators and researchers will be invited to pitch their ideas to help tackle climate change on towns, cities and the countryside as part of the modern Industrial Strategy

Seaweed sauce sachets to help cut down on harmful plastic waste

Dissolving seaweed sauce sachets and technology inspired by a suckerfish to remove plastics from rivers are among 11 innovative projects to win the backing of a £4 million government fund to clean up the environment

Government distribute £400m to remove unsafe cladding on social housing

The Government has began releasing its dedicated £400 million fund to remove and replace unsafe cladding on high-rise social housing.

Coal Authority highlights green initiatives from Britain’s coal mines

To welcome Green GB Week, the Coal Authority has shown how its award-winning approach to delivering sustainable solutions has come from Britain’s coal mining legacy.

UK’s largest companies pledge hundreds of millions to tackle climate change

To mark the government's first ever Green GB & NI Week, top businesses across the UK have announced significant pledges worth hundreds of millions of pounds to tackle climate change

Climate experts advise government on net zero emissions target

Climate experts will advise the government on whether the UK should set a date for a net zero emissions target as the first ever Green GB & NI week launches

Taxing manufacturing businesses on plastic & non-biodegradable materials will fund better recycling

Businesses who use plastic and other non-biodegradable materials should be taxed to slash landfill use, says waste management agency

Can we rethink how and when we access household products to tackle climate change?

The public is supportive of emission reduction strategies that are likely to bring significant changes to the way we access household products such as clothing, cars, appliances and furniture to tackle climate change, finds a new study led by Cardiff University

Microplastics found in fifty percent of freshwater insects

New research shows that microplastics are being overlooked in river ecosystems where they contaminate insects and pose risk to other wildlife

Over a quarter of UK drivers avoid driving after dark due to poor street lighting

Over a quarter (26%) of UK adults say that they are deterred from driving after dark by the quality of street lighting available on their local roads, according to new research, commissioned by technology company, Yotta

Cardiff’s £7m role researching greener planet

A £7m investment in research will help Cardiff University scientists play a key role in developing cleaner, greener industrial processes


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