
The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: Finding a sustainable future

Maria Nikolopoulou, a EESC member, argues that the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is Europe’s best bet for a sustainable future.

UK heat pump market is growing again

Senior Market Intelligence Analyst at BSRIA’s World Market Intelligence Division, Socrates Christidis looks at the current growth of the UK heat pump market.

Critical gaps remain in Europe’s environmental performance despite improvements

Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA), Hans Bruyninckx shares his thoughts on the critical gaps present in Europe’s environmental performance.

Is local governance ready for climate change?

A group of researchers from the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) ask if local governance is ready for the effects of climate change.

Getting to the truth about giving up plastics

President and technical advisor of the PMMDA and Managing Director of Sumitomo (SHI) Demag UK, Nigel Flowers explores the bad press plastics has been getting since the airing of Blue Planet II, the impact of Brexit on industry standards and the reality of giving plastics up for good.

The wonders of the Baltic Sea

Susanna Kaasinen, Project Manager and Monika Stankiewicz, Executive Secretary at the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission – Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) explore the wonders of the Baltic Sea

EU aquaculture: Supporting the farmers in the water

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries explains the Commission’s support for EU aquaculture and supporting farmers in the water

Deposit-return and Scotland’s circular economy

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive of Zero Waste Scotland shares his thoughts on Scotland’s planned deposit-return scheme for beverage containers and on the circular economy

Environment Agency says that a different approach is needed to tackle flooding over next century

The Environment Agency’s Chief Executive Sir James Bevan has highlighted the need for a new approach in his keynote speech at the annual Flood and Coast Conference

Arctic science for the past, present and future

Cook, J., Dayal, A., Young, T. J., from the UK Polar Network (UKPN) Committee explore the wonders of Arctic science and how this applies to the past, present and future

Government supports new litter fighting community projects

The government have awarded various councils, charities, businesses and public projects over £125,000 to tackle littering in their communities.

International Women’s Day: How to make it as a woman in the STEM sector

Nancy Thomson, CEO of Thomson ecology, provides an insight on how to make it in the STEM sector as we continue to celebrate International Women's Day

Canada’s plan to reduce carbon emissions and strengthen their clean growth economy

Minister of Environment and Climate Change in Canada, Catherine McKenna details the country’s plan to reduce carbon emissions and strengthen their clean growth economy

BIR calls upon world leaders to implement new concept of a seventh resource

Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) is calling upon world leaders to take bold steps to demonstrate to their countries, and the global population as a whole, how the items we discard and recycle have the power to combat climate change

Households warned to be aware of flood risk from thawing snow

A flood resilience campaigner is warning households to be prepared for the thaw which could cause flooding following the recent spell of wintry conditions across the UK

Once-in-a-generation opportunity to shape future farming policy

Reducing direct payments could free up £150 million for the environment and other public goods

Exeter to begin work on flood defence scheme

Essential construction will begin on station road in April 2018 as part of a flood defence scheme


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