
The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: Finding a sustainable future

Maria Nikolopoulou, a EESC member, argues that the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is Europe’s best bet for a sustainable future.

The role of algae in sustaining our planet – past, present and future

Dr. Jaime L. Toney from the University of Glasgow highlights the vital role of algae in human existence, in both shaping and understanding the planet

Human sperm cells, the overlooked sentinel of our living environment

Luigi Montano of the Local Health Authority (ASL) Salerno and Alberto Mantovani from Istituto Superiore di Sanità explore how pollution affects sperm cells 

How the Scottish Government is taking responsibility for global issues

In an exclusive interview, a spokesperson from the Scottish Government speaks to Open Access Government about how Scotland is fighting climate change

New research suggests Paris climate change targets are possible

New research suggests that the Paris agreement's climate change targets of limiting global warming to 1.5°c are possible given strong action

The future of circular economies: Achieving zero waste to landfill

Richard Walker, Marketing Manager at Reconomy shares the benefits of setting a 0% landfill target and explains why it is an achievable goal for businesses

Sweden must continue to push climate reform

Climate reform is a necessity to safeguard the future of the planet. Open Access Government’s Ciara Ruane explains what Sweden is doing to ensure this

Is aviation climate policy heading in the right direction?

Cait Hewitt, Deputy Director of the Aviation Environment Federation looks at aviation emissions and whether we’re on course to tackle them

Why you shouldn’t ignore environmentally friendly construction

Reconomy's Richard Walker shares the value of environmentally friendly construction and why everyone should continue to push the green agenda

Protecting nature: an ambitious action plan

Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries details how protecting nature, people and the economy is a priority in Europe

A German Adaptation Strategy for climate change

German Environment Agency’s Petra Mahrenholz provides insight into Germany’s Adaptation Strategy and how it assisting in the fight against climate change

Assessing soils, waters and structures

The interaction between soils, waters and structures are of great interest in the engineering sector, here Alexander Rohe from Deltares outlines why

Ensuring the preservation of biodiversity in Finland

Petri Ahlroth, Director of the Natural Environment Centre, Finnish Environment Institute explains why it is important to protect biodiversity in Finland

Climate research gains €8.2m EPA funding

The Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland has made available some €8.2m available for climate research

Tackling climate change in Sweden

Open Access Government’s Editor Laura Evans examines how Sweden is tackling climate change and the targets in place to help the nation become carbon...

Finland has embraced the fight against climate change

Editor Laura Evans outlines how Finnish Minister of Agriculture and the Environment Kimmo Tilikainen is taking on the fight against climate change

We need tougher action on wildlife trafficking

The tide may be turning but there is still much more to be done in the fight against wildlife trafficking, Catherine Bearder MEP argues Last...


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