Some of the world's most poisonous mushrooms can be spotted in the UK from the end of summer onwards - here's what to look out for on your next autumnal walk.
Craig McKendrick, Business Development Manager at IES, discusses how Glasgow City Council and other Scottish councils are tackling climate change in the built environment.
Nicoló Giacomuzzi-Moore, Executive Director ad interim at CBE JU – Circular Bio‐based Europe Joint Undertaking, explains how European bio-based industries are leading the green transition.
Joseph Huba, Vice President at Syntek Technologies looks at the Tonga Volcanic Eruption and results from a high-resolution simulation of the event to model the Ionosphere response.
In this third contribution of a series of four, Bernd Lennartz, Haojie Liu and Franziska Tanneberger give insight into the water-bound loss of carbon from peat soils.