Dr Stuart Blanch from WWF-Australia, calls attention to the risk of koala extinction on Australia’s east coast by 2050 and sheds light on what can be done to save this iconic species.
Analysis of global freshwater resources has revealed alarming trends, indicating that human activity has dramatically altered the Earth's freshwater cycle.
Scientists from China, the USA, New Zealand, Italy, and France have together analysed annual temperature trends in the Earth's ocean, revealing an alarming escalation of its rage.
Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Director of the Industrial Decarbonisation Research & Innovation Centre (IDRIC) and the UK’s Champion for Industrial Decarbonisation, explains how innovation can help keep Britain on track for net zero.
On Tuesday, UN agencies issued a pressing appeal for immediate action, emphasising the significant health threats confronting women, infants, and children as the climate crisis continues to escalate.
Researchers aim to uncover how extreme weather affects long-term HIV care outcomes and implications for addressing climate change impacts and other chronic health conditions.
With AMLO set to step down, many are looking to Mexico's future and asking who will be leading it. With polls suggesting a MORENA victory is inevitable, who are the candidates, and what do they stand for?
The Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory studied US cities, uncovering urban heat disparities in air temperature variations among demographic groups, particularly between Black and white residents.
As the temperatures continue to rise, we all need to be aware of the dangers of our sun and how to keep safe in hot weather, especially looking out for those most vulnerable.
Jenni Black, Nature Transformation Lead at the World Benchmarking Alliance, argues that we must hold businesses accountable for protecting and restoring nature.
Gareth Ellis, the Managing Director at EcoGrit Ltd turns away from damaging products used for gritting, protecting people and the planet in icy conditions.