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Environmental Health

Cooperation on the coastal tourism adaptation to climate change

The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) and the Blue Flag Programme cooperate on the coastal tourism adaptation to climate change.

Fighting climate change by closing the carbon cycle using membrane technology

Patricia Luis from UCLouvain highlights fighting climate change by closing the carbon cycle using membrane technology.

Research on tropical forest resilience to hurricane damage

Jess K. Zimmerman, Professor at the University of Puerto Rico, charts the challenges to tropical forest resilience to hurricane damage revealed by long-term research in Puerto Rico.

UK Space Agency gives £600,000 to new climate sensor

The funding is going to a new climate sensor that can track weather patterns with four times more sensitivity.

The largest challenge to achieve net-zero by 2050: Decarbonising heat

Professor Martin Freer, Director of Birmingham Energy Institute, University of Birmingham, details his thoughts on overcoming our largest challenge to achieve net-zero by 2050.

Are we fighting a losing battle to prevent climate change?

Our climate is global and the challenge of preventing catastrophic environmental damage will require the cooperation of all nations - but is it too late to prevent climate change?

Researchers calculate where the next pandemic could start

COVID-19 came from Wuhan, China, but the conditions that enabled the virus to jump from animal to human are not unique - so where could the next pandemic begin?

EU’s improving wastewater treatment helps to reduce pollution

The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) has shown an overall improvement in collection and treatment of wastewater in Europe's cities and towns.

Animal health focus: Well-managed and healthy livestock

Well-managed and healthy livestock play a key role in the European Green Deal, Roxane Feller, Secretary General of AnimalhealthEurope argues.

Lockdown reduces air pollution by 54% in 5 Indian cities

The Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) found that lockdown reduced air pollution in Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai.

WHO report on microplastics in drinking-water

Jennifer De France from the World Health Organization walks us through what we need to know about microplastics in drinking- water.

Pandemic can teach us how to prevent species extinction

Researchers say the pandemic has shown us how to save the world from global warming and prevent species extinction.

The Anthropocene era: Rush for resources or preservation of common goods?

Professors Aurélien Acquier & Valentina Carbone, ESCP Business School, dissect the rush for resources versus preservation of common goods in the Anthropocene era.

Achieving net-zero carbon emissions with electric vehicles and charging points

Andrew White, Managing Associate, UK & European Patent Attorney at Mathys & Squire, argues that widespread adoption of electronic vehicles are key to achieving net-zero carbon emissions.

Conservation efforts and genomics: Not all genomes are created equal

Professors Darren Griffin and Mike Bruford (Universities of Kent and Cardiff) discuss what is meant by a “whole genome sequence” and how it is revolutionising conservation efforts.

Noise reduction solution bends sound waves upwards: Less impact on environment

Here, Bart Willems discusses the Dutch noise reduction solution using diffraction to decrease the impact on the environment.

Fire in data centres: Smoke is the biggest cause of damage

Derek Killaspy, Managing Director of Fireworks Ltd, explores why data centres are moving to high pressure water mist fire suppression systems.


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