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European Union

Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects that will contribute to a greener future

The European Commission has released a new report showing how the European Union's commitment to collaborative research and innovation has a strong effect and what projects are using the most of their support and funding.

The new EU Digital Finance strategy

Giovanni Caccavello from Open Banking Excellence (OBE) believes a tighter action plan for the EU Digital Finance strategy will promote prosperity across Europe.

A green & digital recovery in Europe after COVID?

Louise Grabo, President of the EESC's Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market, looks at a green and digital recovery in Europe after the COVID crisis.

Commission strikes €820 million partnership with Bill Gates on net-zero economy

The European Commission has created a collaboration with Breakthrough Energy, founded by Bill Gates, to invest roughly €820 million from 2022-26 to create green tech that can be used commercially.

President von der Leyen: “We need a race to zero in greenhouse gas emissions”

To begin EU Green Week 2021, President Ursula von der Leyen gave a speech discussing how the bloc could orchestrate "a race to zero in greenhouse gas emissions" - alongside reaffirming existing policy goals.

Closing education gaps with the NextGeneration EU recovery plan

Salvatore Nigro, CEO of JA Europe and Andzelika Rusteikienė CEO of JA Lithuania, discuss why the NextGeneration EU recovery plan must close the gaps in education that the COVID-19 crisis has exposed.

Facial Recognition Technology: A tool for 21st century policing

Suzanne Gallagher, Associate, BCL Solicitors LLP, explains the current legal position in the balance between human rights, privacy and the use of biometric technology by the police and other groups.

The future of Europe: digital, green, but first of all democratic!

Christa Schweng, President, European Economic and Social Committee, states that the future of Europe is digital, green, but first of all, democratic!

A sustainable food system is in reach, but only if we diversify

The future development of a truly sustainable food system relies heavily on the diversification of protein sources, highlights Dr Emanuele Zannini, Project Coordinator of the EU funded Smart Protein Project.

Tech experts discuss the three-year anniversary of GDPR

In this article, tech experts explore the core components of data governance and protection in today’s cyber business landscape and offer advice on how an organisation must act if a data breach occurs.

Parliament and Council agree on EU Digital COVID Certificate proposal

The European Parliament and the Council have reached an agreement on the Commission's proposal of the EU Digital COVID Certificate.

Biotechnological circular solutions

The BIORECOVER project is developing biotechnological circular solutions to tackle the supply of some critical raw materials in the EU.

EU4Health: Building healthcare systems of tomorrow

European Commission Director General for Health and Food Safety Sandra Gallina details the ambitious EU4Health Programme proposed as a response to COVID-19.

COVID-19 and its impact on society

European Public Health Association Executive Director, Dineke Zeegers Paget, updates us about COVID-19 and its impact on society, public health, healthcare and equitable access to vaccines.

New biorecycling routes for food packaging and agricultural plastic waste

Maria J. Lopez, Professor of Microbiology and Project Coordinator of the RECOVER project, explains how it aims to deliver new biorecycling routes for food packaging and agricultural plastic waste.

Overcoming hurdles to enable large scale insect production and consumption in Europe

Teun Veldkamp, Coordinator of the Sustainable Insect Chain (SUSINCHAIN) project reveals how it aims to enable large scale insect production and consumption in Europe.

SWINOSTICS: Field-diagnostics in pig farming

Here, R&D Director Alessandro Giusti details the work of the Horizon 2020 funded SWINOSTICS project to tackle viruses causing epidemics in pig farming.


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