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European Union

Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects that will contribute to a greener future

The European Commission has released a new report showing how the European Union's commitment to collaborative research and innovation has a strong effect and what projects are using the most of their support and funding.

Helping mothers return to work is a gender equality issue

Michaela Bruckmayer, analyst and Joanna Hofman, associate director at RAND Europe, discusses how taking a career break to have children comes with a cost to women in the EU and how thinking needs to change to best tackle the issue.

European Commission outlines key actions to beat COVID-19

The European Commission has set out the key actions needed to step up the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Three quarters of young people want a Politics GCSE

After a year of unprecedented politics, a new APPG on Political Literacy has launched - from Brexit to Black Lives Matter, young people appear to be highly politically engaged without any formal support in schools.

Why energy is at the heart of the EU’s decarbonisation efforts

Kadri Simson, EU Energy Commissioner, discusses why the EU has placed energy and the heart of its decarbonisation efforts.

European Commission gives 24 grants to COVID-19 plasma projects

The projects will happen in 14 Member States and the United Kingdom, with 36 million in funding to get COVID-19 plasma to patients - boosting their immune response to the virus.

EU to purchase further 300 million doses of BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine

The European Commission has proposed to purchase an additional 300 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine produced by BioNTech and Pfizer.

Moderna vaccine approved for use by European Medicines Agency

The EMA joins the US in approving the 94.1% effective Moderna vaccine for use, while the UK still waits on further regulatory discussions.

The future of cities in Europe

Here, Open Access Government considers the future of cities in Europe, including the opinions of Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary-General, Eurocities.

How are seasonal climate forecasts contributing to energy and water industry management?

Here, Alberto Troccoli explains why and how Europe’s H2020 project SECLI-FIRM continues to offer accurate seasonal climate forecasting which can reduce risk and cost alike for energy and water businesses.

How can Europe protect migrants with disabilities and mental health problems?

Mental Health Europe point out that the New Pact on Migration and Asylum leaves behind migrants with disabilities and mental health problems, suggesting how this oversight could be resolved.

Shaping of post-COVID-19 EU: Only with organised civil society!

Christa Schweng, President, European Economic and Social Committee details the shaping of post-COVID-19 EU and argues that this is only possible with an organised civil society.

Circular economy in the dairy industry: Processing wastes to P-rich bio-based fertilisers

Sergio Ponsá talks about the valorization of the wastes generated by the dairy industry to recover phosphorous, a relevant macronutrient for plant growth that currently depends on a critical raw material.

Towards a British-European partnership on a circular economy

The United Kingdom is about to leave the EU – but there are opportunities to rebuild a strong partnership around a more circular economy, states Professor Raimund Bleischwitz, Director of UCL Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources.

Brexit and COVID anxieties create 25% drop in British exports

According to recent data analysis, Brexit and COVID anxieties have created tangible decreases in how many commodities leave the UK.

How can Europe support its cultural recovery from COVID-19?

Open Access Government discovers how Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, is prioritising the recovery of Europe’s cultural sectors as well as Research and Innovation.

Developing new solutions for better utilisation of seafood side-streams

Charlotte Jacobsen, Professor and Head of Research Group at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, explains how the WaSeaBi project will ensure sounder exploitation of aquatic resources.


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