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European Union

Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects that will contribute to a greener future

The European Commission has released a new report showing how the European Union's commitment to collaborative research and innovation has a strong effect and what projects are using the most of their support and funding.

The importance of the gut microbiome in chronic digestive diseases

Leading digestive health experts and MEP Sarah Wiener address how healthy nutrition, starting from a young age, can help to reduce the risk of chronic digestive diseases and improve the health of our gut microbiome.

The Green Deal: Are the EU’s priorities still in place?

Isabel Caño Aguilar, Vice-President for Communication at the European Economic and Social Committee, turns our thoughts to the Green Deal - and asks if the EU’s priorities for equality and digitalisation are still in place.

Research and innovation in Europe

The role of research and innovation in Europe, including the challenge COVID-19 brings to the sector, the principles of Open Access, increased cross-border collaboration plus gender and diversity, are discussed here.

A path to green transport in Europe

Open Access Government discusses Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean’s priorities for digital and green transport in Europe amidst COVID-19.

Keeping up research funding in Switzerland

Here, Open Access Government maps out Switzerland’s research funding plans in 2020 onwards to maintain its position as a world leader in research, innovation, and education.

Putting people first and strengthening the EU’s Economy

Here, Open Access Government looks into European Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni’s priorities for strengthening the EU’s Economy while also putting citizens first, particularly in a time of crisis.

Time to take a lead by taking lead out of the environment

Jacques Trouvilliez, Executive Secretary of AEWA, discusses the challenge of continued use of lead ammunition.

CBDepot: The company with a “Valid” Novel Food Application

Here, CBDepot discuss how they worked with the European Commission to achieve a “valid” Novel Food Application.

Shallow Geothermal Energy Systems: A green way forward

Jordi Albacete, Communications Officer from the EU-project GEOCOND explains what we need to know about Shallow Geothermal Energy Systems towards a more sustainable future.

COVID-19: The time for mental healthcare reform is now

Jennifer Oroilidis and Marie Fallon-Kund, from Mental Health Europe, argue that in light of COVID-19, the time for mental healthcare reform is now.

Next Generation EU: Will the COVID-19 aid package work?

Experts say the post-pandemic rebuild needs to be sustainable: Next Generation EU is a COVID-19 aid package that promises to be green.

Strategic academic recruitment research: A proactive recruitment model

Dr Jouni Kekäle, Human Resources Director from the University of Eastern Finland, walks us through strategic academic recruitment research, including the proactive recruitment model.

Re-imagining our urban future in light of COVID-19

Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General, EUROCITIES enlightens us on the salient points when it comes to re-imagining our urban future in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overcoming barriers to energy efficiency investments

BASE (Basel Agency For Sustainable Energy) explain to us their views on enabling a green economic COVID-19 recovery with energy efficiency investments, including analysis of the Energy Savings Insurance model.

Fighting infectious crop diseases with big data analyses

Dr Kim Hammond-Kosack, Research Programme Leader Wheat Pathogenomics at Rothamsted Research, explores how big data analyses and knowledge networks can be used to protect global wheat crops from infectious diseases.

A gateway to transport and energy research: The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency

Dirk Beckers, Director of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, charts the important work of the organisation in supporting transport and energy research plus the ambitious Horizon Europe research and innovation framework programme (2021-2027).


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