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European Union

Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects that will contribute to a greener future

The European Commission has released a new report showing how the European Union's commitment to collaborative research and innovation has a strong effect and what projects are using the most of their support and funding.

Cannabis products: Greater diversity, increased potency and close monitoring

A recent European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction report highlights the need for diversity of cannabis products, increased potency and close monitoring of health effects.

Tackling the growing burden of brain disorders in Europe

Frédéric Destrebecq, Executive Director of the European Brain Council explains the importance of tackling the growing burden of brain disorders in Europe.

The consistent application of data protection rules throughout the EU

Andrea Jelinek, Chair of European Data Protection Board, spoke to Open Access Government about data protection rules throughout the European Union, including the use of personal data during election campaigns.

Looking ahead: Negotiating and managing the European Union budget

Here, Editor of Open Access Government, Jonathan Miles, investigates the responsibilities of Günther Oettinger, the European Commissioner for Budget & Human Resources in managing the European Union budget, including how it will benefit research.

The European Court of Justice and consumer protection

Trevor Tayleur, Associate Professor and Head of Design and Assessment at The University of Law, explains the work of the European Court of Justice and their work around consumer protection.

How should SMEs be planning for the single-use plastics ban?

Andy MacInnes, B-Loony, discusses how the single-use plastics ban will affect SMEs and highlights the need for them to plan ahead for the future.

The Brexit survey: How does the STEM industry feel?

As the UK faces the imminent 31 October Brexit deadline, at Open Access Government we are investigating how people in STEM feel about their field via the Brexit survey.

Leading the “Digital Single Market” and fighting cybersecurity

Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Digital Single Market aims to lead the “Digital Single Market”, as this article explores, plus his priorities for fighting cybersecurity.

The UK’s anti-money laundering laws post-Brexit

John Binns, partner at BCL Solicitors LLP, considers the potential impact of Brexit on the UK’s anti-money laundering laws.

What do employers need to do about a no-deal Brexit?

With the odds of a no-deal Brexit increasing, concern amongst employers has understandably raised, here,  Andrew Willis, Head of Legal at HR consultancy, Croner, highlights what businesses need to do.

What is the EU doing to understand if Artificial Intelligence apps are trustworthy?

Here, we discuss an EU-funded project on financial technologies which intends to create an open-source risk management platform for blockchain and AI apps in finance.

Brexit, Boris and attracting NHS talent: What could go wrong?

Jo Sellick discusses his opinion on the future of the NHS, which bravely faces Brexit and Boris Johnson, migration limitations and an ageing population.

‘Linguistic Precedent’ in European Union Law

In the third in a series of five articles exploring European Union (EU) law, Dr Karen McAuliffe discusses the concept of linguistic precedent in judgments of the Court of Justice.

EU migration to the UK has decreased by two thirds

Here, Laura Devine Immigration cut through the political veneer to comment on the truth of new EU migration statistics published by the UK Home Office.

The UK is retracting nearly 180 diplomats from the EU

The UK has announced it will be retracting the majority of 180 diplomats from attending EU meetings, by 1 September.

Operation Yellowhammer: What is the leaked No-Deal Brexit plan?

Here, we discuss what was contained in the recent Operation Yellowhammer dossier leaked from the Johnson Cabinet.


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