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European Union

Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects that will contribute to a greener future

The European Commission has released a new report showing how the European Union's commitment to collaborative research and innovation has a strong effect and what projects are using the most of their support and funding.

It is time to boost innovation in Africa and Europe

A new sustainable business and digital hub for innovation stakeholders from across Africa and Europe known as the EiA Centre has begun operation in Cape Town.

EU and New Zealand conclude Horizon Europe association talks

December 2022 saw negotiations finally and successfully concluded between the EU and New Zealand concerning Horizon Europe association.

Perceptions of the ‘Short Guide to Personal Recovery in Mental Health’

Jackie Mellese, Communication Manager at Mental Health Europe, with Mental Health Ireland (MHI), explain how the ‘Short Guide to Personal Recovery in Mental Health’ is perceived.

Education and training: Building our common future on solid bases

Mariya Gabriel, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, looks at education and training to improve education inclusivity across Europe.

EU-LIFE 10th anniversary: envisioning research centres of the future

EU-LIFE, the alliance of research institutes advocating for excellent research in Europe, celebrates its 10th anniversary with the conference Envisioning future research centres.

Time to strengthen palliative care across Europe

Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, Dr Tomas Zapata and Dr Satish Mishra, from WHO/Europe, argue that now is time to strengthen palliative care across the European Region.

The cost of non-Europe: Impact on the internal market

Emilie Prouzet, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Employers’ Group (Group I), discusses how the cost of non-Europe represents thousands of missed opportunities to deepen the internal market.

Why government must resuscitate the UK food manufacturing industry

Guy Tullberg, Managing Director of The Tracklement Company, explains why a strong supply chain is vital to meeting rising consumer demand and keeping the UK’s food manufacturing sector in business.

Ensuring growth through business transfers in an ageing Europe

While there is good reason to support Europe's start-up entrepreneurs, business transfers need to be given equal attention in Europe's path to recovery and growth.

European bio-based industries leading the green transition

Nicoló Giacomuzzi-Moore, Executive Director ad interim at CBE JU – Circular Bio‐based Europe Joint Undertaking, explains how European bio-based industries are leading the green transition.

Using advanced analytics tech to safeguard from intellectual property theft

Phillip Akers, Head of Public Sector at Quantexa, discusses how we can use advanced analytics tech to safeguard from intellectual property theft.

Why the European scientific ecosystem must recognise smaller research infrastructures

If supported, small- and medium-sized research infrastructures have the potential to boost the resilience of European society.

A look at the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Mattie Yeta – Chief Sustainability Officer, CGI, UK & Australia, provides a detailed & think tank view of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

Cities can realise Europe’s climate ambitions

Ruud Schuthof and Holger Robrecht from ICLEI Europe, argue that cities have the power to realise Europe’s climate ambitions.

Do more to tackle energy poverty

Ioannis Vardakastanis, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, argues that the EU and Member States must do more to tackle energy poverty and protect vulnerable consumers.

UK government to extend financial support to Horizon Europe applicants

The UK government has decided to extend the financial support provided to Horizon Europe applicants, continuing funding to researchers, businesses and innovators.


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