A new study combines genomics from COVID-19 samples with computer-simulated epidemics and travel records to reconstruct the virus' spread across the world.
Marcin Rodzinka, Advocacy and Policy Officer for Mental Health Europe, discusses how EU states are paving the way for more resilient mental health systems post COVID-19.
President of the Sustainable Development Observatory of the European Economic and Social Committee, Peter Schmidt tells us what we need to know about the European Green Deal amid COVID-19.
Research shows that some of the last remaining habitats for endangered European birds could decrease by 50%, as farmers convert land into more profitable crops.
Leading digestive health experts and MEP Sarah Wiener address how healthy nutrition, starting from a young age, can help to reduce the risk of chronic digestive diseases and improve the health of our gut microbiome.
The role of research and innovation in Europe, including the challenge COVID-19 brings to the sector, the principles of Open Access, increased cross-border collaboration plus gender and diversity, are discussed here.
Dr Carlos Ziebert, Head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, presents a holistic approach to how battery calorimeters can be applied all along the battery value chain.
Manager EU Research at Centexbel, Guy Buyle introduces REMADYL, a H2020 project focused on the removal of legacy substances from PVC via a continuous and sustainable extrusion process.
The strides being made by the European Commission to achieve a digitalised society for all are explored by Assistant Editor of Open Access Government, Megan Warrender.
Open Access Government investigates the strides being made by Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal Frans Timmermans and the Commission to work towards the Green Deal’s ambitious goals during COVID-19.
Michal Skwierczyński, Coordinator of the BioMotive project, explores the benefits of bio-based solutions for both automotive and wider industries post COVID-19.
Dr Jouni Kekäle, Human Resources Director from the University of Eastern Finland, walks us through strategic academic recruitment research, including the proactive recruitment model.
Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General, EUROCITIES enlightens us on the salient points when it comes to re-imagining our urban future in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.