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European Policy

The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: Finding a sustainable future

Maria Nikolopoulou, a EESC member, argues that the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is Europe’s best bet for a sustainable future.

New agreement will see DKK 1 billion given to Danish research

A new broad political agreement will see DKK 1 billion given to Danish research to explore health, education, environment, and children & families

Why the EU Single Market has still not reached its full potential

Marco Hafner shares his insights into why the EU Single Market has still not yet reached its full potential and where it can go in the future

Challenges for European science and technology – thermosphysics of fluids and nanosystems

An expert from the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Lisbon reflects on the gap between European science research and industrial utilisation

Searching for the silver bullet: towards a more effective Security Union

European Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King underlines the role of the EU and national governments in keeping citizens safe

Blockchain insurance set to change the industry

Open Access Government’s Jonathan Miles explores the tremendous potential of Blockchain insurance in the European industry

Diversity in the neighbourhood drives support for a generous asylum policy

Dr Gideon Bolt at Utrecht University shares his expert perspective on attitudes towards asylum policy in Europe

What is the future for clinical and health research in Europe?

Experts discuss the FEAM-BioMed Alliance paper, which outlines how the next EU Framework Programme can further support biomedical research in Europe

Can UK Higher Education maintain the ‘student experience’ in the age of Brexit?

Robert Stoneman from GlobalData looks at how the UK can offer a unique and sought-after student experience during Brexit uncertainty

Cardiology: Prevention is better than cure

Joep Perk from the European Society of Cardiology talks about methods of preventing cardiovascular diseases and research into cures

The geography of EURO-HEALTHY Population Health Index

Professor Paula Santana from University of Coimbra sheds light in the importance of capturing a holistic understanding of population health

Making it happen: Addressing the implementation gap in European health policy and practice

Dr Usman Khan, Executive Director of the European Health Management Association tells us his thoughts on public health in the European space

Right on track – the future of European rail

Nicolas Furio from Unife explores the latest developments in the all-important European rail industry and what they mean for the future In April 2016, the...

European health information project BRIDGE Health looks to the future

Petronille Bogaert and Herman Van Oyen at BRIDGE Health provide a fascinating overview of the European health information project today

The role of education and educational research for a sustainable future

The European Educational Research Association stresses the important role of education in helping people to participate in a democratic society

Internationalisation of education, science and research in Germany

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research details how their Internationalisation Strategy aims to help meet global challenges by working together

The France Europe 2020 strategy will develop strong research

Open Access Government’s MF Warrender explains how the France Europe 2020 strategy will help researchers respond to the societal challenges of the future


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