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European Policy

The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: Finding a sustainable future

Maria Nikolopoulou, a EESC member, argues that the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is Europe’s best bet for a sustainable future.

European cities compete for sustainability and green change

The European Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards are competitions for European cities which are improving the environment.

Unprecedented fire risks: Europe’s driest summer on record

Europe is facing one of its driest summers in history and there is an unprecedented risk of drought, fires and destruction.

First NATO summit since Russia Ukraine war

Allies promise to back Ukraine at first NATO summit since Russia invaded Ukraine, but this is not enough to stop Putin.

Correlation of electrolyte properties, gas formation and heat generation by electrochemical-calorimetric methods

Dr Carlos Ziebert, leader of the group Batteries – Calorimetry and Safety, KIT, explains how electrochemical-calorimetric methods help to establish relevant correlations for improved batteries.

Unlocking the potential of cities in Europe

Alex Ryan, Urban Design and Transport Expert at PA Consulting, delves into unlocking the potential of cities in Europe.

Research & innovation for bio-based industries in Europe

Philippe Mengal, Executive Director at CBE JU ‐ Circular Bio‐based Europe Joint Undertaking, charts the priorities for a strategic research & innovation agenda for competitive bio-based industries in Europe.

JPND: Towards a stronger brain health partnership

One of JPND’s key objectives is to fortify its work in brain health partnerships in Europe to better combat the challenges of neurodegenerative disease (ND).

Exploring Europes first exascale class supercomputer

The first next-generation European supercomputer to be installed in 2023 is to be operated by Forschungszentrum Jülich – a partner in Germany’s Gauss Centre for Supercomputing.

The background scenario for Autonomous Shipping

Marco Molica Colella, project coordinator for AUTOSHIP, discusses the EU’s role in autonomous shipping and changing of transport emissions globally.

Addressing barriers to inclusive higher education in China

James Pitman, Managing Director UK and Europe, Study Group, addresses the barriers to inclusive higher education (HE) in China.

Sustainability, critical raw materials and batteries

Dumitru Fornea, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, takes a look at sustainability, critical raw materials and batteries

What is the New European Bauhaus and how is it inspired by the 1919 movement?

Rudolf Kolbe, co-rapporteur for the EESC opinion on the New European Bauhaus; member, European Economic & Social Committee (EESC); vice-president of the Diversity Europe Group (Group III), shares his thoughts on the New European Bauhaus.

Only 25% of global senior-level positions held by women in economics

Women are noticeably underrepresented in many academic professions, with a distinct lack of women in economics – particularly in universities.

Achieving innovation cohesion in Europe

Open Access Government delves into the innovation cohesion priorities of Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, for 2022 and beyond.

Health policy in Europe and the sustainability of health systems

Megan Warrender, Editor for Open Access Government, illustrates Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides’ priorities in supporting Member States to improve the quality and sustainability of health systems.

Why is fostering effective dialogue between government and the research community so vital?

Nicolas Pade, Executive Director at EMBRC-ERIC, looks at the innovation and research community to boost climate efficiency in local and central governments.


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