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European Commission

ERC boosts research opportunities for Brazilian scholars

Brazilian scholars gain unprecedented access and collaboration opportunities with the ERC, reshaping research landscapes and hinting at transformative global impacts.

EU citizens place economic situation as top concern

In the latest Standard Eurobarometer survey, European citizens identify the economic situation, the state of Member States' public finances and immigration as the three top concerns.

The State of Nature report: “Illegal killing and hunting are biggest pressures”

At EU Green Week, biodiversity is high on the agenda as the The State of Nature report is set to be discussed by a panel of experts - but what did the data tell us?

What do manufacturers need to know about the new EU carbon tax policies?

Denise Hatem, Senior Regulatory Counsel at Sovos, shines a light on the forthcoming EU carbon tax policies and advises cross-border manufacturers on how they can prepare for these changes.

Could tiny pendulums be the way to detect dark matter?

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and their colleagues have proposed a novel method for detecting dark matter.

How do we govern artificial intelligence and act ethically?

Gaurav Kapoor, Chief Operating Officer at MetricStream, discusses how to govern artificial intelligence in the contemporary age.

Plant-wide monitoring and control of data-intensive processes with AI functions

Erik Dahlquist at Mälardalen University provides further insight about the FUDIPO project concerning plant-wide monitoring and control of data-intensive processes including AI functions.

EU’s improving wastewater treatment helps to reduce pollution

The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) has shown an overall improvement in collection and treatment of wastewater in Europe's cities and towns.

What are Europe’s health policy priorities going forward?

Open Access Government explores the European Commission’s Department of Health and Food Safety’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and charts their next steps towards a vaccine for every European citizen.

European digital security following COVID-19

Megan Warrender, Assistant Editor at Open Access Government, explores Commissioner Margaret Vestager’s current priorities for ensuring digital security, and how Europe can build a sustainable digital future post COVID-19.

Five principles for citizen engagement

Here, Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General of Eurocities discusses five principles for citizen engagement.

The future of innovation and technology in Hungary

Here, we explore just some of the many areas covered by Hungary’s Economy Protection Action Plan, put in place to ensure a strong future for innovation and technology in Hungary.

X-Mine project: Sensing technologies and 3D ore deposit modelling methods

Janne Paaso from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland tells us what we need to know about the X-Mine project that develops X-ray and 3D vision-based sensing technologies plus 3D ore deposit modelling methods.

Research and Innovation in Europe: Pushing science forward after COVID-19

Megan Warrender, Assistant Editor at Open Access Government, discusses research and innovation in Europe, and why in a post COVID-19 world, science is more important than ever.

Plans for Europe’s raw materials supply to be more secure and sustainable

The European Commission is introducing an Action Plan on critical raw materials to aid the transition to a more secure and sustainable supply chain.

Nanotechnology: Modern innovation demands regulatory preparedness in risk governance

Monique Groenewold discusses how modern innovation requires regulatory preparedness in risk governance, especially for nanotechnology.

Future machines to explore new frontiers in particle physics

Jim Siegrist from the Office of Science at the U.S. Department of Energy, charts how future machines will explore new frontiers in particle physics.


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