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European Commission

European Commission policy priorities

This overview by Open Access Government examines the priorities of three departments within the European Commission. It covers topics such as tech sovereignty, security and democracy, social rights and skills, quality jobs and preparedness, as well as the cohesion and reforms portfolios.

€500 million to promote advanced materials for greener digital transition

The European Commission has revealed a strategy to push the EU to the front of advanced materials technology, crucial for the twin transition towards a greener and more digital economy.

Ursula Von der Leyen aims for second term as European Commission president

Ursula Von der Leyen, the current president of the European Commission, has announced her bid for a second term.

European Innovation Council approves €1 Billion in deep tech venture investments

Today, the European Commission announced that the European Innovation Council (EIC) Fund has approved nearly €1 billion in investments for deep tech companies since it commenced operations in September 2022.

EU Policy recommendations: Prioritising care for high-risk COVID-19 patients

From the 11th of March 2020 to the 5th of May 2023, the world experienced a global health emergency. In response, Policy Recommendations will be presented at the EU Parliament in an effort to prioritise care for high-risk COVID-19 patients in the EU.

Preventing and managing diabetes: Strategies for combating the global health crisis

Stefano Del Prato and Bart Torbeyns from the European Diabetes Forum (EUDF) outline the major challenges in preventing and managing diabetes, and the actions policymakers and health systems can take to address them.

Empower research careers strengthen the European research area

The topics discussed here by Marc Lemaître, Director-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission, are empowering research careers and reinforcing the European Research Area.

Iliana Ivanova is appointed commissioner, EU ministers confirm

Iliana Ivanova is appointed commissioner for research, innovation, and education as confirmed by EU ministers and European Commission president.

Horizon membership expansion gains momentum, as countries eager to join

The Horizon membership expansion is gaining momentum as Canada, Japan, South Korea, and Switzerland express interest, following the UK's successful integration.

Optimising freshwater consumption in the food and beverage industry

In support of the circular economy, the CEO of AGENSO, Zisis Tsiropoulos, describes how the AccelWater project is optimising freshwater consumption in the food and beverage industry to reduce its environmental impact.

UK and Horizon Europe: Britain’s return to flagship innovation scheme Horizon

Britain is set to rejoin the EU's flagship £85 billion science research programme, Horizon Europe, as scientists have welcomed the highly anticipated agreement.

Commissioner-to-be Ivanova prioritises protecting Horizon Europe in parliament hearing

Potential research commissioner, Iliana Ivanova, has outlined her European Parliament priorities before a vote on her appointment later this month, placing the protection of Horizon Europe at the top of her list.

Unveiling EU research funding: Ivanova’s vision for Horizon Europe

Iliana Ivanova, slated to be the new Commissioner for Research and Innovation, to enhance EU research funding by exploring diverse financial sources as challenges to fund high-quality proposals in Horizon Europe.

Commission to impose restrictions for Huawei in Horizon Europe

The European Commission plans to modify the rules of Horizon Europe,, due to concerns over Huawei in Horizon Europe being a "high-risk" .

Research and innovation investments in Norway

Open Access Government explores the importance of funding research and innovation investments in Norway for the future of sustainability and technology.

Ursula von der Leyen faces turmoil as senior EU commissioners depart

Ursula von der Leyen, the powerful President of the European Commission, is facing internal turmoil as several senior commissioners have announced their departures.

Learning mobility for improved and robust education cooperation

Open Access Government charts the priorities of the European Commission when it comes to learning mobility, including Erasmus+, plus stronger education cooperation with Ukraine.


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