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European Commission

ERC boosts research opportunities for Brazilian scholars

Brazilian scholars gain unprecedented access and collaboration opportunities with the ERC, reshaping research landscapes and hinting at transformative global impacts.

Judith Vorbach: European Union, economic crisis and the climate

Judith Vorbach gives the foreword for OAG25 on the impact of the economic crisis and the climate from the perspective of the European Union (EU).

The financial priorities for France

Here, we take a look at the financial priorities for France, including comment on a modernised European competition policy and the development of sustainable finance.

A priority for Europe: Energy Union and climate change

Energy Union and climate as a priority of the European Commission are placed under the spotlight here by Open Access Government.

Building a stronger European Research Area

Maud Evrard, Head of Policy Affairs at Science Europe, shares her views here on building a stronger European Research Area: We find out that performing excellent, ground-breaking research in Europe is a priority.

The Digital Single Market: A focus on robotics and artificial intelligence

Here, we focus on robotics and artificial intelligence, two areas that come under the European Commission’s wider Digital Single Market policy.

Demand Response 101: How to get paid to cut power use for utilities

Rodrigo López, Energy Management Deputy Director, Feníe Energía, provides a detailed article about Demand Response, highlighting how you can save money on utility bills during periods of reduced energy use.

The European Commission: Defending investments in public health

Paola Testori Coggi, Former Director General for Health and Consumers, European Commission speaks to Open Access Government about her work here on defending investments in public health.

50 NGOs call on EU leaders to protect the ocean

NGOs are calling on senior leaders in the European Union to protect the ocean, in addition to focusing on CO2 emissions when fighting climate change.

EU: Who are the new European Commissioners?

Here, we discuss the freshly elected European Commissioners of the 2019-2024 period, including their duties and a vision of the EU their work attempts to shape.

The consistent application of data protection rules throughout the EU

Andrea Jelinek, Chair of European Data Protection Board, spoke to Open Access Government about data protection rules throughout the European Union, including the use of personal data during election campaigns.

Looking ahead: Negotiating and managing the European Union budget

Here, Editor of Open Access Government, Jonathan Miles, investigates the responsibilities of Günther Oettinger, the European Commissioner for Budget & Human Resources in managing the European Union budget, including how it will benefit research.

The European Commission’s priorities for the environment

Here, we focus on the priorities for the environment, maritime affairs and fisheries, in the work of Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner for Environment.

Leading the “Digital Single Market” and fighting cybersecurity

Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Digital Single Market aims to lead the “Digital Single Market”, as this article explores, plus his priorities for fighting cybersecurity.

Climate doesn’t wait: More ambition and accelerated action needed

Luca Jahier, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, argues that climate doesn’t wait but more ambition and accelerated action on it is needed in Europe.

Health: The priorities of the European Commission

The priorities of Vytenis Andriukaitis, the current European Commissioner for Health & Food Safety are explained here.

What are the current reverse climate change ideas in the EU?

Here, we touch upon the purpose of EUSEW and explore some new technologies and innovations that are happening in Europe, to stop and reverse climate change.


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