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European Commission

ERC boosts research opportunities for Brazilian scholars

Brazilian scholars gain unprecedented access and collaboration opportunities with the ERC, reshaping research landscapes and hinting at transformative global impacts.

European Union: Multiannual Financial Framework

Javier Doz Orrit, EESC Member for the Spanish Comisiones Obreras Trade Union and Rapporteur for the EESC opinion on the 2021-2027 MFF, European Economic and Social Committee, tells us everything we need to know about the EU Multiannual Financial Framework

Former EU Research Commissioner voices concerns over R&D focus

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn took to twitter to reach out to  research chiefs in order to share her concerns over keeping the EU's 2021-2027 R&D programme focused on excellence.

EIC Pilot to invest €124 million in new high-risk innovative projects

The European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot will support 38 innovative projects to develop new ideas towards radically new future technologies

Horizon Europe: A golden opportunity for research and innovation in Europe

Lidia Borrell-Damián from the European University Association argues the European Commission’s Horizon Europe initiative holds great promise for the future of research and innovation in Europe.

Funding for research, science and innovation in Europe

Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation has ambitious and exciting plans for unprecedented funding for research, science and innovation in Europe, as this analysis from Open Access Government reveals

Space sector to benefit form multi-million pound investment

UK space sector will benefit from a £92 million investment to design a national alternative to the EU's Galileo satellite system, ensuring UK security post Brexit

A fresh approach to research and innovation in Europe

The European Commission’s fresh approach to promoting research and innovation in Europe is placed under the spotlight here by Open Access Government

Modernising health policy, building up knowledge and tackling preventable diseases

The work of Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health & Food Safety, with responsibility for modernising health policy, building up knowledge and tackling preventable diseases

The future of Europe: The Euro

Eva Maydell MEP, Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) shares her interesting views on the future of Europe, focussing on its most symbolic element, the Euro

Cohesion Policy beyond 2020: Commission renews ‘Stairway to Excellence’ initiative

Today the Commission is renewing the initiative 'Stairway to Excellence', to continue to provide tailored support and expertise to regions lagging behind in terms of innovation

European Union to host blockchain AMA

The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum will host an 'Ask Me Anything' session on June 18th to answer any questions regarding their plans to implement a blockchain ecosystem

European Commission research budget labelled ‘most ambitious ever’

Carlos Moedas, the EU’s Research Commissioner proposed a €94.1 billion research budget to member states, pushing for increased spending on basic science and plans for a new innovation council to drive transformative ideas throughout Europe

Commission proposes €9.2 billion investment in first ever Digital Europe programme

The European Commission yesterday proposed to create the first ever Digital Europe programme and invest €9.2 billion to align the next long-term EU budget 2021-2027 with increasing digital challenges

Seal Network and The European Commission to build Blockchain Anti-Counterfeiting Network

The European Commission selected Seal Network, a company that fights counterfeiting using blockchain technology, to create the next level of anti-counterfeiting infrastructure at the Blockathon event in Brussels

EU Research Commissioner fights to protect a €100 billion investment

The EU’s research Commissioner, Carlos Moedas has demanded more commitment from member states on research and innovation spending, despite a widespread sense of reluctance throughout the European Union to increase the budget.

A renewable agenda for research and innovation

The European Commission today presents its contribution to the informal discussion that Heads of State and Government will hold in Sofia on 16 May 2018 on research and innovation and the steps needed to ensure Europe's global competitiveness


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