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European Commission

European Commission policy priorities

This overview by Open Access Government examines the priorities of three departments within the European Commission. It covers topics such as tech sovereignty, security and democracy, social rights and skills, quality jobs and preparedness, as well as the cohesion and reforms portfolios.

European Commission announces boost for start-ups

The European Commission’s Start-up and Scale-up Initiative is being launched to help start-ups deliver their full innovation and job creation potential It pulls together all...

EU Cycling Strategy: Putting the EU on the cycle track

With the EU Cycling Strategy, the European Cyclists’ Federation hopes to get all member states on the right track, as Fabian Küster explains To put...

Digital single market benefits consumers and businesses – Andrus Ansip at Web Summit

The Digital Single Market is already bringing benefits to consumers and businesses, says European Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip at Web Summit 2016 Speaking to journalists...

Why cities and regions matter for Energy Union

EnergEuropean cities and regions are vital to the success of the Energy Union, writes European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič On 4 October, the European Parliament...

EU is on target to meet 2020 energy target

A spokesperson for the European Commission has revealed the EU is on course to meet its 2020 energy consumption target The European Union is expected...

Soil information for European environmental policy

The recent announcement “4 pour 1000” by the French Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, communicating a new concept for mitigating climate change through...

Investing in a greener future

EU Commissioner for the Environment Karmenu Vella explains how the EU’s LIFE programme can contribute to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and sustainable future Natural resources underpin our...

Reducing the CBRN risk

Mr Adriaan van der Meer and Tristan Simonart from the Centres of Excellence (COE) at the European Commission outline the importance of lessening CBRN...

Direct support for EU farmers

The EU’s recent €500m aid package is good news for European farmers and agri-food markets, writes EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan Market difficulties and price...

Supporting rural communities

EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan believes rural areas hold many of the solutions for 21st Century challenges, and EU programmes...

The Digital Economy

Günther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society details the importance of a digital economy and sustainable online services There are few business...

Investing in the future of agriculture

Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Commission details the importance of investment and innovation in agriculture Agriculture is humankind’s primary...

21st Century agriculture

Open Access Government looks at the key areas the European Commission is focusing on in regards to agriculture, and how new Commissioner for Agriculture...

Promoting fair and sustainable growth

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at the European Commission gives an overview of his priorities for the coming year The overall aim...


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