Brazilian scholars gain unprecedented access and collaboration opportunities with the ERC, reshaping research landscapes and hinting at transformative global impacts.
Professor Silvana Di Sabatino, tells us about the H2020 funded OPERANDUM project as a nature-based solution for climate change adaptation
The OPERANDUM (OPEn-air laboRA-tories for...
Themis Christophidou, Director-General of Education, Youth, Sport and Culture at the European Commission, shares plans for the European Year of Youth 2022.
Hajo Boomgaarden and Fabienne Lind, from the University of Vienna, discuss why an infrastructure for political text analysis is crucial to improve research on democracies.
Open Access Government charts some of the key policies tasked with Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President and European Commissioner for Democracy and Demography.
Jan Kubik and Alicja Haran discuss the POPREBEL and FATIGUE projects, which engage with the rise of populism & illiberalism in Central and Eastern Europe.
The European Commission has adopted three new proposals to stop deforestation, manage sustainable waste, making soils healthy for the environment, and promoting a circular economy.
The European Union is to invest around €1.1 billion to numerous innovative projects under the Innovation Fund, as an endeavour towards reaching net zero emissions.
Investing nearly €2 billion from their Digital Europe Programme, the European Commission aims to strengthen their digital solutions to benefit citizens and businesses.
The European Commission President addresses the goals set for the G20 and COP26 summits, aiming to tackle the pandemic, climate change and the economy.