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European Commission

ERC boosts research opportunities for Brazilian scholars

Brazilian scholars gain unprecedented access and collaboration opportunities with the ERC, reshaping research landscapes and hinting at transformative global impacts.

How cities can complement the European Green Deal

Sebastian Marx, Project Coordinator, Eurocities, says that increased commitment to environmental protection in cities will help the EU achieve its green ambitions.

EU and AstraZeneca agree new deadline for vaccine deliveries

The EU have dropped their court case against AstraZeneca, as a new deadline for vaccine deliveries is agreed between the two parties.

EU medical authority denies “urgent need” for third dose of COVID vaccine

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) reports that there is no "urgent need" for a third dose of COVID vaccine, based...

Report finds tech industry spends €97 million on EU lobbying

A new report by Corporate Europe Observatory reveals that the tech industry spends €97 million on EU lobbying annually - with companies like Amazon spending €2,750,000.

EU says 70% of population are double-vaccinated

President Ursula von der Leyen announced that 70% of the EU population are now double-vaccinated - but some countries in Eastern Europe lag behind.

Commission approves €5.7 billion for renewable electricity in France

The European Commission approved a €5.7 billion aid scheme, which will create 3,700 additional megawatts of renewable electricity in France.

EU adopts Baltic Sea fishing proposal for 2022

The Baltic Sea fishing proposal, which will define sustainable sea-use in the region, has been adopted by the European Commission for 2022.

Reshaping Europe’s entire energy system

Open Access Government charts the European Commission’s ambitious goals to reshape the entire energy system across Europe.

A commitment to inclusion & equality

Open Access Government's Jonathan Miles, charts the European Commission’s commitment to inclusion and equality, examining some recent policy initiatives.

Supporting the European Citizens’ Initiative

Kinga Joó, President of the EESC ad hoc Group on the Citizens' Initiative, enlightens us on the role of the organisation in supporting the European Citizens’ Initiative.

The EU needs a new Marshall Plan for oncology

Małgorzata Anna Bogusz, Rapporteur of the EESC opinion SOC/677 – Europe’s beating cancer plan, argues here that the EU needs a new Marshall Plan for oncology.

Sustainable battery value chain to combat climate change

A sustainable battery value chain is one of Europe’s weapons to combat climate change, Michael Lippert, Chairman of BEPA - Batteries European Partnership Association argues.

European commission approves contract for Novavax vaccine

The European Commission has approved a new contract that will allow Member States to purchase up to 100 million doses of the Novavax vaccine.

Price of COVID vaccines to rise as they become variant-ready

France's Junior Minister for European Affairs, Clément Beaune, said that the price of COVID vaccines Pfizer and Moderna rose after being adapted for the Delta variant.

An erasmus program for civil servants

The Civil Servant Exchange Program ECI Team calls on the Commission to launch an exchange and training programme between civil servants of EU countries.

France and Greece say COVID vaccine mandatory for health workers

France and Greece both made statements yesterday (12 July) declaring that the COVID vaccine was now mandatory for healthcare workers - with French workers losing wages after September, if they don't have a dose.


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