Prime Minister Modi cut the internet in many districts where Indian farmers continue to protest agricultural reforms, which would enable corporate takeovers of small farms while lowering crop value.
Craig Rhodes, EMEA Industry Lead for Artificial Intelligence Healthcare and Life Science at NVIDIA, explores how bovine tuberculosis (bTB) can be monitored and treated more effectively and efficiently using Artificial Intelligence (AI).
A new study examines the agricultural impact of multinational land deals, which are found to be directly harmful to local food security and livelihoods.
Sergio Ponsá talks about the valorization of the wastes generated by the dairy industry to recover phosphorous, a relevant macronutrient for plant growth that currently depends on a critical raw material.
Chang-Soo KIM, Professor at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, discusses the importance of developing a deeper understanding about how plant roots find water.
Prof Dr Norbert Weber from TU Dresden argues that land availability for sustainable agricultural tree crops and a positive perception of this by the official administration both remain challenging hurdles.
Gil Hakim, Chairman & CEO of Armenta describes the exciting Dairy Herd Health Revolution, stressing the need for animal welfare and sustainability and highlights Acoustic Pulse Technology.
Lydia Holmes, Director of Sustainability USA Rice Federation argues that rice farmers in America take pride in looking after the land for future generations.
University of Guelph scientists explain here that farmers and landowners are the keystone species to consider when it comes to AgrECOLture and agroecosystem sustainability.
Dr Yuri Yamazaki from the Faculty of Regional Environmental Science at Tokyo University of Agriculture, describes encountering cows in forests and urges us to think about the sustainable future of livestock.
The role of technology and innovation in helping farmers overcome the challenges of COVID-19 and meet future demands are discussed here by David Green from the U.S. Sustainability Alliance.
Laia Llenas explains the FERTIMANURE project, which aims to close the manure nutrient cycle by providing innovative manure management strategies and business models to take new fertilising products to the EU market.
Research shows that some of the last remaining habitats for endangered European birds could decrease by 50%, as farmers convert land into more profitable crops.