The government has launched a call for evidence, giving everyone from consumers, farmers and food producers, to scientists and academics, an opportunity to shape the food system of the future.
Here, Andre Laperrière, Executive Director of Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), comments on the latest UN report on meat as a cause of carbon emissions.
Research at the University of Leeds provides innovative, systems-based solutions to help the UK pig farming industry navigate future challenges to resilience.
AHDB Strategy Director – Pork, Angela Christison argues that the British pork industry has much to be proud of but while the demand is strong, so is the competition.
AgriLedger, an agricultural-focused blockchain systems provider, is working on a World Bank backed pilot that offers end-to-end full traceability through their platform to enable transparency along the value chain.
Daniel Berckmans and Tomas Norton at M3-BIORES, Catholic University of Leuven detail how European Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) benefits animal welfare and health.
The effects of climate change threaten food security worldwide. What needs to be done to improve the resilience of vital dryland cereals to more extreme weather?
Prof Robert Aiken, research crop scientist at Northwest Research—Extension Center tells us about his fascinating research into water and temperature, including the extent to which they limit crop productivity.
When it comes to how to safely store silage on a farm, this article by Charles Renwick from Lycetts explains who is responsible for which elements and what to expect when it comes to getting in touch with the Environment Agency.