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Farming Industry

UK agriculture in 2025: Funding and scalability

Carl Johnson, of agricultural asset finance lenders Anglo Scottish Finance, takes a look at the outlook for UK agriculture in 2025.

UK shoppers to have their say on the food system of the future

The government has launched a call for evidence, giving everyone from consumers, farmers and food producers, to scientists and academics, an opportunity to shape the food system of the future.

GODAN: Meat production is a huge cause of carbon emissions

Here, Andre Laperrière, Executive Director of Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN), comments on the latest UN report on meat as a cause of carbon emissions.

Why are hobby farms growing in popularity?

Here, we highlight some of the most common reasons people start hobby farms and why you may want to consider starting one of your own.

Smart Agri-Systems: A resilient future for pig farming

Research at the University of Leeds provides innovative, systems-based solutions to help the UK pig farming industry navigate future challenges to resilience.

The UK pork industry: Demand, opportunities and challenges

AHDB Strategy Director – Pork, Angela Christison argues that the British pork industry has much to be proud of but while the demand is strong, so is the competition.

World Bank blockchain pilot sows fresh narrative for Haiti’s farmers

AgriLedger, an agricultural-focused blockchain systems provider, is working on a World Bank backed pilot that offers end-to-end full traceability through their platform to enable transparency along the value chain.

Where next for the British pig industry?

Zoe Davies, Chief Executive of the National Pig Association asks where next for the British pig industry and provides a fascinating response.

Is depression the biggest challenge in farming?

Living well is the key to farming well- depression is emerging as one of the biggest yet unspoken challenges in farming in the modern day.

UK Government to help farmers in new clean air strategy

The government has launched a new strategy to clean up our air - which includes a commitment to support farmers’ efforts to tackle air pollution.

European Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) for animal welfare and health

Daniel Berckmans and Tomas Norton at M3-BIORES, Catholic University of Leuven detail how European Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) benefits animal welfare and health.

World Soil Day marks importance of healthy farmed environment

The importance of soil health for both productive farming and a healthy environment has been highlighted today on World Soil Day (5 December)

Harnessing the genetic diversity of a dynamic crop: Cowpea

Shawn Yarnes from The Integrated Breeding Platform highlights harnessing thegenetic diversity of a dynamic crop, cowpea and why it is important today.

Post-Brexit fair funding for farmers across UK

The Government has announced that it will issue fair funding for all farmers across the UK when we leave the EU in March 2019.

Meeting the challenges of climate change for dryland cereal production

The effects of climate change threaten food security worldwide. What needs to be done to improve the resilience of vital dryland cereals to more extreme weather?

Water, temperature and crop science productivity research

Prof Robert Aiken, research crop scientist at Northwest Research—Extension Center tells us about his fascinating research into water and temperature, including the extent to which they limit crop productivity.

Storing silage: A guide on how to safely store it on a farm

When it comes to how to safely store silage on a farm, this article by Charles Renwick from Lycetts explains who is responsible for which elements and what to expect when it comes to getting in touch with the Environment Agency.


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